Kapteyn c

Kapteyn c is a presumed planet orbiting the nearby Kapteyn's Star. It has a mass of about ≥7.0M, a semimajor axis of ~0.311AU and an orbital eccentricity of 0.23±0.1. It is beyond the host star's habitable zone.[1] [2]

It has been described by its discoverers as a cold super earth.[3]


  1. David Dickinson, Discovered: Two New Planets for Kapteyn’s Star (June 4, 2014).
  2. Kapteyn's Star at SolStations.com.
  3. Guillem Anglada-Escudé, Pamela Arriagada, Mikko Tuomi, Mathias Zechmeister, James S. Jenkins, Aviv Ofir, Stefan Dreizler, Enrico Gerlach, Chris J. Marvin, Ansgar Reiners, Sandra V. Jeffers, R. Paul Butler, Steven S. Vogt, Pedro J. Amado, Cristina Rodríguez-López, Zaira M. Berdiñas, Julian Morin, Jeff D. Crane, Stephen A. Shectman, Ian B. Thompson, Matías Díaz, Eugenio Rivera, Luis F. Sarmiento, Hugh R.A. Jones, Two planets around Kapteyn's star : a cold and a temperate super-Earth orbiting the nearest halo red-dwarf.(Cornell University 3rd June 2014).