Kappa Omicron Nu

Kappa Omicron Nu is a college honor society, based in the United States, for students in human sciences. Kappa Omicron Nu chapters are located at colleges and universities that offer a strong human sciences program.


Undergraduate members are required to:[1]

Membership is available to professionals and majors in any of the following or related specialty areas, including but not limited to: consumer resource management, design, exercise science, family and consumer sciences education, financial planning, food science and human nutrition, health sciences, human environment and housing, individual and family development, institution/hotel/restaurant management, interior design, kinesiology, leadership, marital and family therapy, merchandising management, textiles/apparel and clothing.[2]


Kappa Omicron Nu was established on February 21, 1990 through consolidation of Omicron Nu and Kappa Omicron Phi.[3] Omicron Nu was founded at Michigan Agricultural College (now Michigan State University) on April 23, 1912[4][5] and Kappa Omicron Phi was founded at Northwest Missouri State College (now Northwest Missouri State University) on December 11, 1922.[3][6]


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