Kaohsiung Japanese School

Jhong-Jheng Elementary School, which houses the Kaohsiung Japanese School
Kaohsiung Japanese School
Chinese name
Traditional Chinese 高雄市日僑學校
Simplified Chinese 高雄市日侨学校
Japanese name
Kanji 高雄日本人学校
Former campus in Sanmin District

The Kaohsiung Japanese School is a Japanese international school located on the campus of Kaohsiung Municipal Lingya District Jhong-Jheng Elementary School (高雄市苓雅區中正國民小學) in Lingya District, Kaohsiung, Taiwan in the Republic of China.[1][2]

It was previously located in Sanmin District.[3] The enrollment declined significantly between 1990 and 2010.[4] The final day of class in the former Sanmin campus was on July 19, 2014 (103rd year of the Republic).[5]



  1. English home page. Kaohsiung Jhong-Jheng Elementary School. Retrieved on January 15, 2015."No.100, Furen Rd., Lingya District, Kaohsiung City 802, Taiwan (R.O.C.)"
  2. "Home." Kaohsiung Japanese School. Retrieved on January 15, 2015. "中華民國台灣高雄市苓雅區輔仁路100號 (高雄市苓雅區中正國民小學内)" See image of the school building.
  3. "学校紹介" (Archive). Kaohsiung Japanese School. November 21, 2001. Retrieved on April 10, 2015. "学校の住所  中華民国台湾高雄市三民区河北一路18号"
  4. Dohi, p. 171 (PDF p. 19), English abstract.
  5. Wu, Yuwei (吳宇惟). "高雄日僑學校向舊校舍道別,邁入新生活" (Archive). Kaohsiung City Government Education Bureau (高雄市政府教育局). Retrieved on April 10, 2015. "103年7月19日,高雄日僑學校正式向舊校舍道別,在這屋簷下歷經了無數次的歡樂始業式、也歡送了無數屆學生畢業,43年的春夏秋冬中學生們來來去去,唯有校舍見證了老師與同學們的歡笑與甘苦。向它道別,必然帶著不捨與惆悵心情,故在遷校前夕,畢業生、以前的家長及同學們,大家齊聚一堂,或撿拾校園中的落葉、或拿回自己名字的名牌、或拍下充滿回憶的校園一角,共同拾取點點滴滴的珍貴回憶。"

Further reading


External links