Kannapolis City Schools

Kannapolis City Schools is a local education agency headquartered in Kannapolis, North Carolina. It encompasses parts of Cabarrus and Rowan Counties, yet operates independently of both county-wide school systems.


Grades 5-12

All KCS students attend the same schools for grades 5 through 12.

Elementary Schools

New policies

With the opening of the brand-new Kannapolis Middle School in the fall of 2005, KCS underwent a reorganization of what grades attend a particular type of school. Previously, elementary schools served grades K-5; now the elementary schools serve K-4, grades 5 and 6 have been moved to a new intermediate school, located in the old middle school building in downtown Kannapolis. The procedure for grades 7-12 remains unchanged.

KCS instituted a new uniform policy for all schools within the district beginning with the 20052006 school year. A.L. Brown High School followed in the 2006-07 school year. Shirts and blouses must be collared and bear no logo or insignia other than that of the school; students may wear shorts, pants, skirts, skorts, or jumpers of at least fingertip length. No denim or jeans are permitted. Principals of each school will determine the color of the shirts to be worn, which will typically be assigned by grade level.

See also

External links