Kanjirowa National School

Kanjirowa National Higher Secondary School (KNHSS)
Type Coeducational
Established 1998 (As Kathmandu Don Bosco High School)
2010 (Changed name to Kanjirowa National School)
Principal Mahendra Khanal
Website http://www.kanjisl.edu.np

Kanjirowa National Higher Secondary School (formerly Kathmandu Don Bosco High School) is an independent co-educational institution providing education in a friendly and caring environment. It was established in 1998 A.D by a team of educators and academicians, and has succeeded in maintaining high degree of professionalism and educational standard. It is located at Koteshwor(Near Balkumari Bridge), Kathmandu, Nepal. Kanjirowa National School provides classes from 1 to 10. Kanjirowa National School is recognized for its quality education, institutional growth, innovative teaching methodologies and learner centeredness and enriched extra-curricular activities. The learning processes are perhaps the most distinctive feature at Kanjirowa National School. We aim at making the students autonomous, lifelong learners, excelling academically and in all manners, growing up as healthy and responsible citizens, ready to occupy leadership positions, in the future.

Kathmandu Don Bosco, which has become Kanjirowa National School now, is aware of the importance of ethical values and moral characters for the students that are essential for their successful personal and professional life. Promotion of these values is one of the key responsibilities of Kanjirowa National Higher Secondary School for the production of responsible citizens of the country. The main objective of the program is to develop the overall personality via:


With the sole purpose of encouraging our students for the sound participation in different curricular and Co-curricular activities, the student- population is divided into four house: MACHHAPUCHHRE, NILGIRI, ANNAPURNA and LANGTANG. Each house has a House Teacher, House Captain and House Vice-Captain.

Name Motto Color
MACHHAPUCHHREKnowledge knows no political boundaryRed
NILGIRITo serve humanity is to serve godBlue
ANNAPURNAMan dies but his works are immortalYellow
LANGTANGBooks are man's greatest friends Green

Co-Curricular Activities

Besides the regular sports, games, martial arts, meditation, yoga, athletics and gymnastics, the following form the school's co-curricular activities :-

See also
