Kamal Siegel

Kamal Siegel (b. 1978 in Punta Arenas, Chile) is a Chilean musician [1] and digital artist.

His music was featured on an album produced by Grammy award-winner KC Porter called Temple of Light [2]

The compilation features one of the pieces from Kamal's album "First Steps" that he launched in 2005.[3] The album (First Steps) was recorded and produced in Chile by Faro Producciones and later self-published in the United States.

In addition Kamal is a published digital artist. His works were featured in Tony White's book From Pencils to Pixels. Kamal continues to curate and exhibit art shows where he lives near Seattle, Washington.

In March 2006 Kamal was appointed by the Redmond City Mayor to be part of the Redmond Arts Commission [4] where he helped found and shepherd one of the first ever Digital Art Festivals. He remains the founding director and primary organizer of the event.

Siegel began his career in the arts at the age of 17 with a solo exhibit of his works at the Municipal Library of Temuco, Chile. In 1998 Siegel left Chile and moved to the Seattle area of the United States to pursue a career in the animation arts and in 2004 founded his own production and animation company.[5]

Kamal is also the founder of Digital Double, the first company on the west coast of the United States to offer markerless motion capture services [6]

In December of 2012 Kamal produced one of the first ever products to be mass manufactured through 3D printing alone called Armature Nine.[7] [8]

Shipped Games


  1. "News About First Steps Album".
  2. "Temple of Light".
  3. "Faro Producciones News".
  4. "Redmond Council Minutes".
  5. Siegel, Kamal. "The Artist Official Webpage". Retrieved 2008-03-03.
  6. "Redmond Reporter Article about Digital Double".
  7. "Armature Nine".
  8. "Armature Nine".
  9. "Moby Games Credits".
  10. "Pirates of the Burning Sea : Credits". Flying Lab Software. Retrieved 2009-05-24.
  11. "NHL Rivals Credits".
  12. "NBA Inside Drive Credits".
  13. "NFL Fever 2002 Manual".

Press Coverage and other References

El Diario Austral, Jueves 8 de Mayo 1997 A-8 "Nuevos Naipes Para el Arte Local"
Mukilteo Beacon, June 2, 2004 Pg 2 "Mecha-Teknarr takes on Mickey at the Point"
El Diario Austral, Miercoles 21 de Agosto de 1996 A-9 "El Talento en la Imaginacion"
El Diario Austral, Miercoles 2 de Abril de 1997 A-9 "Los Pintores de Menuda Edad"
El Diario Austral, Sabado 15 de Noviembre de 1997 A13 "Juventud, Realidad y Fantasia"
El Diario Austral, Martes 6 de Mayo de 1997 A-9 "Se Rompe la Vitrina en Temuco"
Atina Chile Press Release
Nightengale Publication Ad
Ebila Artist Bio
DigiPen Faculty Listing
Digital Double Team
NBA Inside Drive Credits
Pirates of the Burning Sea Credits
Kamal Appointed to Redmond Arts Commission
Art Institute Alumni Show
Redmond Reporter Article about Digital Double's Markerless Motion Capture Studio
Redmond Digital Arts Festival Website
News About First Steps Album
Making of First Steps
Making of First Steps Video
RPG Vault Article Part 1 by Kamal
RPG Vault Article Part 2 by Kamal
RPG Vault Article Part 3 by Kamal
City of Covington Artist Directory
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Healing Music Project
Kamal guest lecture at Edmonds Community College to exchange students from Denmark
Pirates of the Burning Sea Credits
Photoshop Illuminated Credits
NHL Rivals Credits
Tabula Rasa Exclusive Interview "First Steps Through a Musical Landscape"

External links