K. Christopher Beard

K. Christopher Beard is an American paleontologist, a world-renowned expert on the primate fossil record and a 2000 MacArthur Fellowship “Genius” Award Winner. Beard's research is reshaping critical debates about the evolutionary origins of mammals, including primates, routinely questioning current thinking about their geographical origins.[1] Dr. Beard is the former Curator of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History,[2] and Mary R. Dawson Chair of Vertebrate Paleontology, at University of Pittsburgh.[3] He is currently Distinguished Foundation Professor, Senior Curator at the University of Kansas. [4] He was co-author with Dan Gebo about an extinct primate from China.[5] Dr. Beard also authored the book The Hunt for the Dawn Monkey: Unearthing the Origins of Monkeys, Apes and Humans. [6] Beard was also part of the research teams that discovered Teilhardina, the earliest primate ever found in North America, and Eosimias, one of the earliest higher primates yet discovered.[7] He worked with NASA to scan a T-Rex skull.[8] Beard received his PhD from the Functional Anatomy and Evolution Program at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in 1989.[9]




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