K-Michel Parandi

K-Michel Parandi

K-Michel Parandi, (Kay Parandi), is a New York based Screenwriter and Film Director known to favor political and social themes in futuristic and Political thrillers.

He designed and directed a series of confidential and architectural movies for the Prince of Dubai, presenting a futuristic architecture of the city for the biotechnology park DuBiotech . In 2005 he directed an experimental adaptation of the "Little Red Riding Hood" which won "best art direction" at the Festival du Film de Paris.

A self described mythology engineer , Parandi graduated in Philosophy and Social Sciences from Paris West University Nanterre La Défense.


Parandi was signed by Robert Newman (agent) at William Morris Endeavor (WME) in 2009, before joining United Talent Agency (UTA) in 2013.

Scripts, TV Series and Motion Pictures

International co-productions

Parandi was hired by the international division of 20th Century Fox to rewrite a movie for Hong Kong director Dante Lam. The movie is currently in production in Moscow and Shanghai. Parandi script-doctored another 20th Fox movie, for director Tolga Örnek.

Video game

It was announced by the Game publisher Interplay Entertainment that Parandi will write and develop a PC, and a Playstation 4 title, based on a new proof of concept, set to be released in late 2015.

Prizes and Nominations


External links