Küpfmüller's uncertainty principle

Küpfmüller's uncertainty principle states that the relation of the rise time of a bandlimited signal to its bandwidth is a constant.

\Delta f\Delta t \ge k

with k either 1 or \frac{1}{2}


A bandlimited signal u(t) with fourier transform \hat{u}(f) in frequency space is given by the multiplication of any signal \underline{\hat{u}}(f) with \hat{u}(f) = {{\underline{\hat{u}}(f)}}{{\Big|}_{\Delta f}} with a rectangular function of width \Delta f

\hat{g}(f) = \operatorname{rect} \left(\frac{f}{\Delta f} \right) =\chi_{[-\Delta f/2,\Delta f/2]}(f)
      := \begin{cases}1 & |f|\le\Delta f/2 \\ 0 & \text{else} \end{cases}

as (applying the convolution theorem)

\hat{g}(f) \cdot \hat{u}(f) = (g * u)(t)

Since the fourier transform of a rectangular function is a sinc function and vice versa, follows

 g(t) = \frac1{\sqrt{2\pi}}  \int \limits_{-\frac{\Delta f}{2}}^{\frac{\Delta f}{2}} 1 \cdot e^{j 2 \pi f t} df = \frac1{\sqrt{2\pi}} \cdot \Delta f \cdot \operatorname{si} \left( \frac{2 \pi t \cdot \Delta f}{2} \right)

Now the first root of  g(t) is at  \pm \frac{1}{\Delta f} , which is the rise time  \Delta t of the pulse  g(t) , now follows

 \Delta t =  \frac{1}{\Delta f}

Equality is given as long as \Delta t is finite.

Regarding that a real signal has both positive and negative frequencies of the same frequency band, \Delta f becomes 2 \cdot \Delta f, which leads to k = \frac{1}{2} instead of k = 1
