Károly Krajczár

Károly Krajczár (Slovene: Karel Krajcar) (September 2, 1936) is a Hungarian Slovene teacher and writer. Born was in Apátistvánfalva. He wrote Slovene textbooks and collected ethnological objects. In 1956, before the Hungarian Revolution participated in the sympathy demonstration for the Poles. In 1958, Krajczár reached the Slovene-Hungarian professional certificate in Budapest. Between 1964 and 1970, he was a professional inspector of the Slovene language and also a Slovene teacher at Berzsenyi College in Szombathely. In 1954 and 1996, his book with the title: Rábavidéki szlovén népmesék/Porabsek pravljice (Popular Fairy Tales of the Slovenes from the Raba March) appeared in Prekmurian language, which was published in a new edition in Hungarian and Central Slovene in 1990. After end of Communism in Hungary tried to wrote Prekmurian course-books and introduced new Prekmurian education, but the program was rejected. Now retired and lived in Apátistvánfalva.


See also