Jurgen Ziewe

Jurgen Ziewe was born in Germany and trained as an artist at The Hamburg Academy of Art (The Hamburg Academy of Art website). He studied under a pupil of Kandinsky and has worked for many years in the advertising industry in design roles. He made is mark as an independent digital 3D illustrator working in advertising and publishing since 1993.

During the nineties he become known for his computer-generated fantasy posters, which eventually resulted in a book about his 3D illustrations entitled "NEW TERRITORIES - The Computer Visions of Jurgen Ziewe", 1997, by Suckling, N., ISBN 1-85028-407-5

Many of his fantasy images found their way onto book covers of well known science fiction authors including Robert Silverberg, Vernor Vinge, Steven Baxter, Iain Banks, Dan Simmons, Greg Bear, John Barnes and Peter F. Hamilton and writers of the Mind-Body-Spirit genre.

In 2008 Jurgen Ziewe wrote an autobiographical book entitled Multidimensional Man ISBN 1-4092-2425-2, a collection of his out-of-body experiences gathered over thirty-five years of deep meditation practice.

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"NEW TERRITORIES - The Computer Visions of Jurgen Ziewe", 1997, by Suckling, N., ISBN 1-85028-407-5
Science Fiction book cover images, publishers: Robert Laffont, Ailleurs & Demain: La Bibliothèque