Junius Ho

Junius Kwan Yiu Ho
Member, Tuen Mun District Council
Personal details
Born 4 June 1962
Hong Kong
Nationality Chinese
Children 3
Residence Hong Kong
Alma mater Queen's College, Hong Kong
Occupation Solicitor,
Senior Partner of
K. C. Ho & Fong,
Solicitors & Notaries'
Member, Tuen Mun District Council
The chairman of the
Tuen Mun Rural Committee
Past President of the
Law Society of Hong Kong
Website www.JuniusHo.com

Junius K. Y. Ho (何君堯) was born on 4 June 1962. He is the Senior Partner of a law firm in Hong Kong and a Principal Representative of a law firm in Guangzhou. He is also the Immediate Past President of the Law Society of Hong Kong and an Independent Director of Hong Kong Football Association Limited.

His major practice is civil litigation and he specializes in shareholders’ disputes and family disputes. He has handled a case relating to the shareholders’ disputes concerning a famous golf club in Shenzhen and another case relating to the disputes between family members who run casino business.

He used to lived in Tuen Mun and he was elected as the Indigenous Village Representative of Leung Tin Village in 2011.[1] In April 2011, he was elected as the Chairman of Tuen Mun Rural Committee[2] in place of Mr. Lau Wong Fat, who held the position for more than 40 years and he became a member of Tuen Mun District Council and Executive Committee of Heung Yee Kuk[3] respectively. He was elected as the President of the Law Society of Hong Kong[4] and appointed as an Independent Director of Hong Kong Football Association Limited in 2011.[5] During his term as President of the Law Society of Hong Kong, he was keen on expressing his views on current issues including constitutional development.

He was a candidate in the Legislative Council Election in New Territories West in September 2012 [6] and is a spokesman for the New Territories Concern Group.[7] In early 2012 through to late December 2012, he was reported in the news to be rather vocal on the heated topic of illegal structures [8] [9]

He currently advocates promoting plasma gasification[10] and championing on various major social exercise as set out at herein below.



After gaining his qualifications he was admitted as a solicitor in Hong Kong in 1988 and was similarly admitted in other jurisdictions in Singapore and England and Wales in 1995 and 1997.[12]

He was appointed a China-Appointed Attesting Officer in 2003.

He became the Vice-President (June 2005 - May 2011) and Council Member of the Law Society of Hong Kong (May 2012 – Present) and was elected as the President of the Law Society of Hong Kong (May 2011 - May 2012).[13]

He was elected as Chairman of Tuen Mun Rural Committee in 2011 and he holds the posts of Ex officio member of Tuen Mun District Council[14] and Ex officio executive member of the 33rd Executive Committee of Heung Yee Kuk.[15]

Overview of works

He is active and vocal in various social issues unlike those politically affiliated politician, he is a pro-establishment liberal who is always willing to criticize the government when she is considered wrong in her policy.

Vanguarding the Democratic Election Process

During his law society presidency in 2011/2012, he openly disavowed the government's proposal for dispensing with by-elections for saving expenses in filling up vacancies caused by deliberate resignation of any LegCo Members. His view was that any vacancy in the Legco department should be open for election. Junius proposed for a law to be passed to restrict any LegCo member from standing for by- election by public vote.[16] A public consultation was announced which later showed an overwhelming majority in favour of restricting LegCo members from standing the subsequent by-election.[17] Subsequently the revised Legislative Council (Amendment) Bill (2012) (re. Legislative Council Ordinance Cap. 542 s.39) restricts any resigned member of the LegCo from joining any by-elections within six months was passed in 2013.

Vanguarding the Constitutional Rights

During the saga of the illegal structures of New Territories Exempted Houses, he was reported to be protecting constitutional rights. In an attempt to purge the longstanding and historical problem of illegal structures in Hong Kong, the government introduced a registration scheme for house owners to make declarations for any breaches of law in exchange for a 5-year amnesty. Junius criticized the government for exerting undue influence on house owners to confess and make declarations contrary to the basic constitutional right of remaining silent.[18]

He established the New Territories Concern Group with those who shared his belief and lobbied with the government and other political parties for changing the Buildings Ordinance to allow house owners to apply for enhancing their homes formally. This appeal was warmly received across New Territories.[19]

Running the “Protect Central” Campaign


Junius openly criticized that Benny Tai and those who in name of fighting for a genuine universal suffrage for the Chief Executive in 2017 were wrong in agitating the public to use civil disobedience as a means to force the Central Government and the SAR to subside. He expressed his view that Occupy Central was actually a reversing act of democracy and the rule of law. He set up the Protect Central Group on 23 September 2014 should appeal to the public for them to not be misguided by the Occupy Central.[21] He suggested that any individual who may be affected by Occupy Central may apply to Court for injunctive reliefs and damages against the diligent protestors. He further urged the SAR Government to take certain pre-emptive measures to diffuse the crisis before it happened. The government was reported not to avert and the crisis eventually broke out on 28 September 2014. The government fired 87 rounds of tear gas at the crowd which did not disperse but spread into three major zones in Hong Kong, namely, Admiralty, Causeway Bay and Mongkok.[22] These unlawfully occupied areas created problems to traffic and social activities. After the lapse of 79 days, Occupy Central was eventually purged with the aid of court injunction orders.[23]

Supporting the Charitable Acts of Butterflyers

He founded Butterflyers Association Ltd in Tuen Mun in 2011 which is a registered S88 charitable body. With the butterfly effect and aggregation of each individual's kindness and participation, the charity’s aims is to inspire people to serve the communities. Although Butterflyers is a new charitable organization, it has embarked on various projects, such as, ceiling painting for elderly’s homes; free haircut for the fellow elderly and students; community concerts; elderly day- trips; pro bono legal services and publishing the book “Each Elderly Has A Story To Tell”.[24]

District Council Work

He is an ex officio member of the Tuen Mun District Council. He advocates to reduce the extension of landfill area in Tuen Mun and opposes the government to incur the tax payers’ money for buying sunset technology for disposing domestic garbage in Hong Kong, namely, to build an environmental unfriendly incinerator at Shek Kwu Chau. He advocated for Plasma Gasification which he viewed as a more advanced, cleaner and more cost effective technology.[25] He is supportive of the proposal for building columbarium at Tuen Mun. He also actively commented on government’s developments in Area 5B around Siu Hong Yuen and Hung Shiu-Kui respectively. .[26]


Year Month News
2011 January Competed with Mr. Lau Wong Fat for the post of Chairman of Tuen Mun Rural Committee.[27]
July – Aug As President of the Law Society of Hong Kong gave statement on the judicial review of Filipino maids seeking right of abode in Hong Kong [28] and cited section six of the Public Order Ordinance regarding police discretion and the extent of restrictions considered necessary for national security and to protect public safety [29] during a visit by Vice-Premier Li Keqiang.
Sept Guest for “On a Clear Day” regarding Replacement Mechanism [30]
2012 Feb - Mar Gave statement on the issue of babies born in Hong Kong whose parents are not Hong Kong permanent residents [31] and was a guest on the News Channel of Now TV.[32]

In March, he expressed that the Judiciary might consider appointing Mr. Justice Bokhary as a Non-Permanent Judge.[33]

April - May Discouraged owners of New Territories Exempted Houses to register unauthorized building works as registration would be self-incriminating and the Government might take enforcement actions against those who have registered after 5 years.[34]

Guest on the RTHK radio programme “左右紅藍綠” and spoke about the undesirable aspects of the registration system for unauthorized building works in New Territories.[35] Guest on the ATV programme "News Magazine" for the issue of unauthorized building works.[36][37] As President of the Law Society of Hong Kong, expressed his views after the election of the next Chief Executive.[38] Wrote the last President’s Message in “Hong Kong Lawyer” [39]

July-Sep In July was reported as a possible serious candidate for the September 2012 Legislative Council Election for autographing his new book about his early years in Leung Tin Village and the development of his career as a solicitor for a prolific author at the annual Book Fair held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.[40]

Was a new independent candidate without political affiliation in the Legislative Council Election in New Territories West and polled 10,805 votes [41] as Candidate No.9.[42] During the election, he campaigned for a constructive change under the slogan “Fed up Flare up!” [43]

Dec Continued to be reported for being vocal on the heated topic of illegal structures and was quoted to have “urged the government to legalise structures that would improve their living” [44] and to have “urged residents to boycott the registration exercise as the government had taken a "heavy-handed approach." [45]
2013 Sept-Dec Reported in the news as part of a delegation sent to Europe in October where he visited incinerators, gasification plants and plasma plants.[46]

In November the New Territories Concern Group produced a report to lobby the government to consider gas plasma technology as an alternative.[47] In December advocated in promoting plasma gasification being the sunrise technology in place of incineration and met with opposition from the Alliance for Promoting Sustainable Waste Management for Hong Kong.[48]

2014 June Guest on RTHK’s City Forum at Band Stand, Victoria Park. Debated on the Government and Pan-democracy Camp’s reaction to 700,000 citizen’s votes in relation to Hong Kong adopting universal suffrage.[49]
September Was a guest speaker on RTHK podcasts representing “Protect Central” group on 24th and 25th.[50][51]

Guest on DBC HK radio news on 24th and 25th regarding “Protect Central” group represented by six industrial organisations vocalizing that “Occupy Central” was not a viable option for striving for universal suffrage.[52][53]

Was a guest on Now news on 26th explaining the need for organisers of “Occupy Central” to provide transparent details of how “Occupy Central” is to be carried out and the effect on secondary school students to join class boycott.[54][55][56][57]

Guest on RTHK’s Monday’s Backchat on 29th and expressed the need to resume the law and order in Hong Kong and for protestors and the Chief Executive to discuss methods to calm the situation down.[58]

October Guest on DBC HK radio news on 2nd advocating protestors to vacate public roads and to relocate to nearby parks to enable the free flow of traffic and to enable businesses to run.[59]

Guest on Now news on 7th and debated on the effects of “Occupy Central” and how the protests having surpassed the original 2 to 3 days was predicted and that he has always expressed the need for communication between the Government and the protestors even before “Occupy Central”.[60] [61]

Was a guest speaker on RTHK’s Thursday’s Backchat on 9th and expressed his views on the Government being tolerant to date to those involved and proceeded with “Occupy Central”.[62]

Guest on DBC HK encouraging youngsters to take the time to write bilingually.[63]

Guest on DBC HK radio news on 16th expressing his view on applying for an injunction order to injunct others from occupying Mongkok and other areas including Central and the consequences of not abiding to the law.[64]

Personal life

He is married with 3 children and has 2 family dogs.

Current Positions






  1. List of Village Representatives, Home Affairs Department
  2. Members of Executive Committee of Rural Committees (2011-2015), Home Affairs Department
  3. 新界鄉議局議員芳名錄
  4. The Law Society of Hong Kong elected a new President
  5. Hong Kong Football Association Limited
  6. LegCo Election results: New Territories West
  7. NT Concern Group
  8. Half illegal structures in New Territories feared unreported | South China Morning Post
  9. Villagers boycott order on homes - The Standard
  10. TVB link
  11. Anglia Ruskin University
  12. Law List - The Law Society of Hong Kong
  13. Council Members - The Law Society of Hong Kong
  14. Tuen Mun District Council Members (2008 - 2011)
  15. Heung Yee Kuk New Territories Members List thirty-second session(新界鄉議局第三十二屆議員芳名錄)
  16. Lam confident of new by-elections tweak - The Standard
  18. Hong Kong Edition | South China Morning Post
  19. NT Concern Group
  20. rthk.hk 香港電台網站: Backchat:Occupy Central Campaign Launched
  21. Newly founded group vows to ‘protect’ CentralHK - China Daily Asia
  22. Police fire tear gas and baton charge thousands of Occupy Central protesters | South China Morning Post
  23. How will justice be seen to be done in wake of Occupy Central protests? | South China Morning Post
  24. Butterflyers Association
  25. Government needs to rethink its waste management policy | South China Morning Post
  26. Officials 'out of touch' in dispute over future of Hong Kong's country park enclaves | South China Morning Post
  27. 東方日報 (2011/1/8):政情:鄉委會改選七國咁亂
  28. DAB raises alarm over rights of foreign helpers - Hong Kong - China Daily eClips
  29. Police may face legal test over Li Keqiang visit | HK News Watch | Latest Hong Kong, China & World News | SCMP.com
  30. 律師會:最好維持補選 - Yahoo!
  31. 文件解封有助「雙非嬰」冇居權
  32. now新聞台節目:【時事全方位:警務處處長建議引入辱警罪】
  33. 終院人權法官不獲延任 香港法治的黃昏 - 20120328 - 蘋果日報
  34. 壹週刊 - 1155 - 壹號頭條 新界佬秘密武器保僭建
  35. 港台節目:左右紅藍綠「新界丁屋僭建問題」
  36. 【時事追擊】 - 2012-04-28 僭建(一)
  37. 【時事追擊】 - 2012-04-28 僭建(二)
  38. Afterthoughts on the CE election, President of the Law Society of Hong Kong's Message (April 2012)
  39. For the betterment of Hong Kong, President of the Law Society of Hong Kong's Message (April 2012)
  40. Big names have book fair abuzz - The Standard
  41. LegCo Election results: New Territories West
  42. 2012 LegCo Election - Introduction to Candidates
  43. http://www.elections.gov.hk/legco2012/pdf/introd/LC4_09_en.pdf
  44. Half illegal structures in New Territories feared unreported | South China Morning Post
  45. Villagers boycott order on homes - The Standard
  46. New Territories group to visit waste management systems | South China Morning Post
  47. Report link
  48. TVB link
  49. Podcast: 論題: 七十萬票似令政府改口 泛民能否釋出善意鬆鬆手? Discussion on: Impact of civil referendum on constitutional reform
  50. Podcast: 9.24.2「保衛中環」宣傳佔中損飯碗
  51. Podcast: 2.公民抗命與爭取普選
  52. DBC重溫 - DBC主場 - DBC數碼1台旗艦台
  53. DBC重溫 - 早晨八達通 - DBC數碼1台旗艦台
  54. 【時事全方位】學生罷課效果(一)
  55. 【時事全方位】學生罷課效果(二)
  56. 【時事全方位】學生罷課效果(三)
  57. 【時事全方位】學生罷課效果(四)
  58. Podcast: Occupy Central Campaign Launched
  59. 何君堯籲示威者改到公園集會 - DBC數碼2台新聞台 24小時新聞消息 交通路況
  60. 【大鳴大放】佔中困局(一) - now 新聞
  61. 【大鳴大放】佔中困局(二) - now 新聞
  62. Podcast: Umbrella Movement
  63. 何君堯鼓勵雙語寫作網上分享 - DBC數碼1台旗艦台
  64. DBC重溫 - DBC主場 - DBC數碼1台旗艦台
  65. Chairman of Yan Oi Tong (1996 – 1997)
  66. Advisory Board Member of Yan Oi Tong (1997 to present)
  67. 2011-2012 年度區務委員會委員名錄
  68. Environmental Protection Department - Product Eco-responsibility Appeal Board Panel
  69. List of Village Representatives, Home Affairs Department