June 2013

June 2013 was the sixth month of that common year. The month, which began on a Saturday, ended on a Sunday after 30 days.

Portal:Current events

This is an archived version of Wikipedia's Current events Portal from June 2013.

June 1, 2013 (Saturday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
Disasters and accidents
International relations
Law and crime
  • Michael Adebolajo is formally charged with the murder of British Army soldier Lee Rigby in the 2013 Woolwich attack. (Sky News)
  • A country-wide smoking ban in most public spaces goes into effect in Russia. (Reuters)
  • Turtle conservationist Jairo Mora Sandoval is murdered by poachers on a Costa Rican beach. (Tico Times)
June 2, 2013 (Sunday)
Armed conflict and attacks
Arts and culture
Disasters and accidents
Science and technology
June 3, 2013 (Monday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
Business and economics
Disasters and accidents
International relations
Law and crime
Politics and elections
Science and technology
June 4, 2013 (Tuesday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
Business and economy
Disasters and accidents
Health and environment
International relations
  • A Swiss diplomat is arrested in Paris on drunk driving charges after leading police on a high speed chase through the city. (ABC News)
Law and crime
Politics and elections
Science and technology
  • Researchers describe the recently rediscovered Hula painted frog, long thought to be extinct, as a "living fossil". (BBC)
  • A newly discovered prehistoric lizard, Barbaturex morrisoni, is named after Doors singer Jim Morrison who called himself "The Lizard King". (BBC)
June 5, 2013 (Wednesday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
Business and economics
Disasters and accidents
Health and environment
  • A second case of Legionnaires' Disease in less than a week is confirmed in Australia, leading to fears of a possible outbreak of the rare disease. (Herald Sun)
Law and crime
  • United States v. Bradley Manning:
    • The judge disallows discussion of Bradley Manning's motives for leaking classified material to WikiLeaks at this time. (The Guardian)
    • Brian Madrid, who trained Manning, testifies that he ordered him to undergo "corrective training" for an unauthorized use of the phrase "top secret". (The Guardian)
  • The jailing for two years of former Met Police officer Paul Flattley, who sold information to News International daily tabloid The Sun about Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, Paul Gascoigne and a 15-year-old girl who died of an overdose, is revealed for the first time today, "legal reasons" having prevented its disclosure until now. (The Guardian) (The Independent)
Politics and elections
Science and technology
  • A newly discovered fossil species, Archicebus achilles, is described as the oldest known primate. (BBC)
June 6, 2013 (Thursday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
International relations
Law and crime
Politics and election
June 7, 2013 (Friday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
  • Drone attacks in Pakistan: A U.S. drone attack kills at least seven people in Pakistan. (The New York Times)
  • Iraqi insurgency (post-U.S. withdrawal):
    • At least 19 people are killed when two suicide bombers drive cars packed with explosives into targets in the Baghdad area. (Newsday)
  • Syrian civil war:
    • The United Nations appeals for $4.4 billion of aid for refugees, the largest such request in the UN's history. (Xinhua)
  • A suspected rapist is attacked and buried alive by an angry mob in Bolivia. (Reuters)
  • A gunman opens fire at Santa Monica College in Santa Monica, California, after setting a house on fire nearby, killing five people, including the suspect. (CNN)
  • Villagers in Assam kill a 55-year-old man suspected of practicing black magic to "appease" a goddess. (India Today)
Arts and culture
Business and economics
Disasters and accidents
Health and environment
  • Breast milk boosts brain development by 30%, as compared to formula-fed babies, according to a new study. (Daily Mail)
International relations
Law and crime
  • PRISM (U.S. government surveillance program):
    • The US government comes under heavy criticism at home and abroad when news of its secret PRISM surveillance program to monitor emails and other person information is leaked. (Welt)
    • The Wall Street Journal reveals the NSA's monitoring of American citizens includes credit-card transactions and customer records from the three major phone networks. (The Wall Street Journal)
    • Democratic Senator Joe Manchin calls on Attorney General Eric Holder to resign over the U.S. Department of Justice's seizure of journalist phone records. (TPM)
    • The Guardian reveals Barack Obama ordered a list of foreign targets for cyber-attacks "to advance US national objectives around the world with little or no warning to the adversary or target and with potential effects ranging from subtle to severely damaging". Obama's order also authorizes hits on foreign nations without their government's consent. (The Guardian)
    • U.S. director of national intelligence James Clapper denounces the revelations of government surveillance into civilian lives as "reprehensible". (The Guardian)
    • British Prime Minister David Cameron is urged to launch an investigation into allegations that the UK's electronic listening post GCHQ had access to data from the program. (BBC)
  • Richard Ramirez, a prolific American serial killer during the 1980s, dies on death row from liver failure. (Reuters)
  • Ariel Castro, the man accused of kidnapping 3 Cleveland, Ohio women is indicted on 329 charges, including 2 counts of murder. (CBS News)
  • Cambodia passes a controversial law that makes it illegal to deny atrocities committed by the Khmer Rouge regime. (BBC)
Politics and elections
June 8, 2013 (Saturday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
Disasters and accidents
International relations
Law and crime
Politics and elections
Science and technology
  • Asteroid 2013 LR6 passes within 65,000 miles of Earth the day after it is discovered. (Nature World News)
June 9, 2013 (Sunday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
Disasters and accidents
Health and environment
  • An outbreak of Hepatitis A linked to a fruit juice product made by Townsend Farms sickens 79 people in the United States. (RTT News)
Law and crime
  • U.S. government surveillance programs (including PRISM):
    • A former CIA employee named Edward Snowden comes forward as the source of recent NSA leaks in the United States. Fearful of prosecution for his actions, he defects to Hong Kong. (Washington Post)
  • 300 Muslims are arrested in Moscow, Russia while they pray at a mosque in an apparent crackdown on radical Islam. (Fox News)
Politics and elections
June 10, 2013 (Monday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
  • Bombs explode across Iraq, killing at least 70 people and wounding many more, following a month of attacks bloodier than any the country has experienced since June 2008. (BBC) (Al Jazeera)
  • The Venezuelan government arrests nine Colombian right-wing paramilitaries over a plot to assassinate President Nicolás Maduro. (BBC)
  • Syrian civil war:
    • A fierce battle has gone on over the last 24 hours as rebels launch another attack against the Menagh Air Base, the last remaining Syrian government controlled airbase in Aleppo. (Al Jazeera)
  • War in Afghanistan (2001–present):
    • Seven heavily armed Taliban militants launch a coordinated attack near the main international airport of the Afghan capital, Kabul, and seize a five-story building under construction nearby. Afghan security forces retake the building, killing all seven militants and sustaining no military or civilian casualties. (BBC)
Disasters and accidents
International relations
Politics and elections
June 11, 2013 (Tuesday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
Business and economics
Disasters and accidents
International relations
  • U.S. government surveillance programs (including PRISM):
Law and crime
International relations
  • A UK government decision to create a controversial marine park in the Indian Ocean gets the go-ahead, though the intentions are questioned by former residents of the Chagos Islands all of whom were expelled by the British between 1965 and 1973 so that an airbase could be built by the United States on Diego Garcia. (The Guardian)
  • North Korea calls off talks with South Korea, according to officials from the South, amid a disagreement over the pairing of Ryoo Kihl-jae (South) and Kim Yang Gon (North). (AP via The Washington Post)
Politics and elections
Science and technology
  • Shenzhou 10, China's fifth manned spaceflight mission and the second and final one to the Tiangong-1 space laboratory, is launched with 3 taikonauts on a 15 day mission. (BBC) (CNN)
June 12, 2013 (Wednesday)
Armed conflict and attacks
Arts and culture
Business and economics
Disasters and accidents
Health and environment
Law and crime
Politics and elections
  • 2013 protests in Turkey: The Turkish government offers to put the development project that sparked the initial protests to a public vote. (CBC)
  • New figures from UNICEF show that 150 million children are engaged in child labor worldwide. (Pakistan Daily Times)
  • Russia's Duma passes a law banning "gay propaganda". (CBS News)
June 13, 2013 (Thursday)
Armed conflict and attacks
Business and economy
Health and environment
  • United States Supreme Court rules that isolated human genes are not patentable, invalidating BRCA gene patents held by Myriad Genetics. (WSJ)
Law and crime
Politics and government
  • The incumbent President of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, determines that elections will be scheduled for 31 July 2013, however Mugabe's leading presidential contestant and primary political rival Morgan Tsvangirai rejects this as being "a unilateral and flagrant breach of the constitution". (allAfrica)
June 14, 2013 (Friday)
Armed conflict and attacks
  • Syrian civil war:
    • The United States offers unspecified military equipment to the rebels after determining that the Syrian regime used chemical weapons against the opposition. (Al Jazeera)
Disasters and accidents
Law and crime
  • Former fugitive Malcolm Naden is given a life sentence and some for two murders in the Australian state of New South Wales. (Sydney Morning Herald)
  • Won Sei-hoon, former head of South Korea's National Intelligence Service is indicted on charges of interfering in last year's presidential election. (AP)
  • Four people are shot, leaving three critically injured, when Earnest Moore, 39, a convicted murderer, who was described as the boyfriend of one of the victims, walked up to their SUV and opened fire in Nashville, Tennessee. (NBC)
  • U.S. Army Judge Colonel Tara Osborn rules that the Fort Hood Massacre gunman Nidal Malik Hassan cannot claim as a part of his defense that he was defending the Taliban. (NBC)
  • Six months after the crime which killed 20 children and six adult staff, the Newtown, Connecticut Sandy Hook massacre's victims' families gathered in remembrance of the tragedy. (NBC)
  • Charla Nash, 59, of Stamford, Connecticut, is told she cannot sue the state and its Dept. of Energy for $150 million, after being blinded for life and receiving a full face transplant after receiving a brutal mauling by Travis, an escaped chimpanzee. (NBC)
Politics and elections
Science and technology
June 15, 2013 (Saturday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Disasters and accidents
International relations
Law and crime
June 16, 2013 (Sunday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
Business and economics
Disasters and accidents
International relations
Law and crime
Politics and elections
June 17, 2013 (Monday)
International relations
Law and crime
Politics and elections
June 18, 2013 (Tuesday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
Business and economics
  • 2013 North India floods:
  • Spurs meltdown:
    • The San Antonio Spurs lead by 5 points against the Miami Heat with 28 seconds remaining in game 6 of the NBA finals as a victory would have secured a fifth NBA title for the Spurs. Unfortunately they failed in collecting defensive rebounds allowing Miami to score back-to-back three pointers and went 1 out of 2 on the free throw line. The game was sent to overtime where they eventually loss by three points.
International relations
Law and crime
Politics and elections
Science and Technology
June 19, 2013 (Wednesday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
Disasters and accidents
Law and crime
Science and technology
  • After receiving negative feedback, Microsoft decides to change many features of its upcoming Xbox One. (Xbox Wire)
June 20, 2013 (Thursday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Business and economics
Disasters and accidents
Law and crime
June 21, 2013 (Friday)
Armed conflict and attacks
Business and economy
Disasters and accidents
Law and crime
June 22, 2013 (Saturday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
Business and economics
  • 100,000 workers and unemployed march against record unemployment in Rome, the first major demonstration since Enrico Letta's government took power earlier this year. (Al Jazeera)
Disasters and accidents
Politics and elections
Science and technology
June 23, 2013 (Sunday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
Disasters and accidents
International relations
Politics and elections
June 24, 2013 (Monday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
  • Syrian civil war spillover in Lebanon:
    • Clashes between the Lebanese Army and supporters of the Salafist cleric Ahmed Al-Assir continue for a second day around the Ain el-Hilweh camp near Sidon. The government reports at least 15 soldiers killed and 38 others injured in the violence, as it promises crackdown on ethnic strife across the country. (Al Jazeera)
  • Israeli Air Force planes attack the Gaza Strip after two rockets were fired into southern Israel on Sunday night. (BBC) (The Times of Israel)
Disasters and accidents
Law and crime
June 25, 2013 (Tuesday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
Business and economics
Disasters and accidents
International relations
Law and crime
Politics and elections
Science and technology
June 26, 2013 (Wednesday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Disasters and accidents
Law and crime
Politics and elections
June 27, 2013 (Thursday)
Business and economy
International relations
Law and crime
Politics and elections
June 28, 2013 (Friday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
Business and economics
Law and crime
June 29, 2013 (Saturday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Business and economy
Disasters and accidents
International relations
Politics and elections
June 30, 2013 (Sunday)
Armed conflict and attacks
Disasters and accidents
Politics and elections
<< June 2013 >>
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 Ongoing events




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 Ongoing conflicts



  • Libya:
    • Libyan factional fighting




Middle East

  • Iraqi insurgency
  • Syrian civil war


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    Wikimedia Commons has media related to June 2013.