June 2006

June 2006 was the sixth month of that common year. The month, which began on a Thursday, ended on a Friday after 30 days.

Portal:Current events

This is an archived version of Wikipedia's Current events Portal from June 2006.

June 1, 2006 (Thursday)
June 2, 2006 (Friday)
June 3, 2006 (Saturday)
June 4, 2006 (Sunday)
  • The Islamic Courts militia captures the key town of Balad, located near the Somalian capital Mogadishu, from a member of the warlord coalition, ARPCT. Reports say at least 15 people are killed in the fighting. (BBC)
June 5, 2006 (Monday)
June 6, 2006 (Tuesday)
June 7, 2006 (Wednesday)
  • A meteorite impact event occurs in northern Troms County, Norway. Locals compare the resultant explosion to the nuclear explosion at Hiroshima. The impact location was apparently desolate, and no structural damage or casualties are reported. (Aftenposten) (PhysOrg)
  • A constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage is killed when it fails to gain the three-fifths majority required for cloture in the United States Senate. 49 Senators voted for the motion, and 48 voted against. This also fell far short of the two-thirds majority that would have been required for passage. (ABC News)
  • A Syrian military court issues an arrest warrant for former Vice President of Syria Abdual-Halim Khaddam on charges of inciting a foreign country to invade, and having contacts in Israel. Another military court sentences prominent pro-Democracy and pro-Kurd Syrian blogger Mohammad Ghanem to 6 months in prison after he is convicted of insulting the president, discrediting the Syrian government and fomenting sectarian unrest. (Al Jazeera)
  • Swiss investigator Dick Marty concludes that there are "serious indications" that the CIA operated secret prisons for suspected al-Qaeda leaders in Poland and Romania, adding that "authorities in several European countries actively participated with the CIA in these unlawful activities. Other countries ignored them knowingly, or did not want to know." (Washington Post)
June 8, 2006 (Thursday)
June 9, 2006 (Friday)
June 10, 2006 (Saturday)
June 11, 2006 (Sunday)
June 12, 2006 (Monday)
June 13, 2006 (Tuesday)
Subsequent examination of the evidence by The Guardian supports the Human Rights Watch assessment.
June 14, 2006 (Wednesday)
June 15, 2006 (Thursday)
June 16, 2006 (Friday)
  • The United States House of Representatives passes a resolution supporting President Bush's policy on Iraq 256-153. (L.A. Times)
  • Surveillance and intelligence reports have confirmed that North Korea is preparing to test its Taepodong-2 missiles on Sunday. (Toronto Star) (BBC)
  • The Italian pretender, Vittorio Emanuele, Prince of Naples, is arrested as part of an investigation into corruption and prostitution. (BBC)
  • An H5 strain of avian influenza has been detected in the Canadian province of Prince Edward Island. The bird flu currently has a "low risk" to humans.(Globe and Mail)
  • Chinese journalist Yang Xiaoqing, a reporter for the state-run China Industrial Economy News, is sentenced to one year in prison at the Longhui No. 1 People's Court in Hunan province for extortion. Xiaoqing wrote an article exposing local Communist Party official Yang Jianxin's embezzlement of state assets. Jianxin has been reassigned to an advisory post in Shaoyang city. Hundreds of protesters block police cars to prevent them from taking Xiaoqing to jail. (CPJ)
  • The Winnipeg police have made numerous arrests in the relation to the Shedden massacre, including five members from the Bandidos motorcycle club. (CBC)
  • Prachanda, reclusive leader of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), meets with Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala, in what is thought to be his first visit to the capital Kathmandu in decades. (BBC)
    • After ten hours of talks, they agree to form a new Government with representatives of the Maoists included and a new election to be held in 2007. The rebels agree to suspend their people's government.
  • Israeli air strike near Gaza kills one Islamic Jihad militant and wounds two others, reportedly on their way to launch Qassam rockets. No civilians were hurt in the strike. More than a hundred Qassam rockets were launched against Israeli towns in the past week, six of them on Friday. (CNN),(Israeli MFA)
  • Evangelist Gilbert Deya is arrested by police at Edinburgh Sheriff Court in relation to allegations by Kenyan police of involvement in child trafficking. (BBC)
June 17, 2006 (Saturday)
  • Violence intensifies in Sri Lanka as government troops allegedly attack Tamils in a church in response to an attack on the navy by the Tamil Tigers. (BBC)
  • Avian influenza: The EU Community Reference Laboratory for Avian Influenza in Weybridge, UK, confirms that birds sent from Hungary after investigations began on June 9 in Kiskunmajsa, a region where a significant amount of poultry is farmed, tested positive for the H5N1 strain of the virus. This is the first time that the virus has been found in Hungary.
June 18, 2006 (Sunday)
June 19, 2006 (Monday)
June 20, 2006 (Tuesday)
June 21, 2006 (Wednesday)
June 22, 2006 (Thursday)
June 23, 2006 (Friday)
June 24, 2006 (Saturday)
June 25, 2006 (Sunday)
  • The Sudanese government announces the lifting of a partial ban on United Nations operations in the conflict-hit Darfur region. The ban was made after the government accused the UN of transporting a rebel leader who opposes a recent peace deal. (BBC)
  • Arcelor declares its merger with Mittal Steel. The new company will be called Arcelor-Mittal. (CNN-IBN) (BBC)
  • Eight Palestinian militants, including Hamas militants, infiltrate into an army post in Israel using a tunnel. Two Israeli soldiers are killed, one kidnapped and three wounded in the attack, in which at least two Palestinian militants die. Israeli PM vows a fierce military response to the attack once the soldier, Gilad Shalit, is returned. Two infantry brigades and supporting armoured regiments are deployed along the Gaza Strip border, in preparation for a major offensive.(Haaretz),(Reuters UK),(BBC)
  • José Ramos-Horta resigns as both Foreign and Interim Defence Minister of East Timor amidst ongoing political turmoil. (SMH)
  • Italians vote in a referendum on whether to approve the modification of 53 articles in the constitution. Approval would give more power to the prime minister and to the regions, making Italy a federal state. (Scotsman)
  • The world's third richest man, Warren Buffett, pledges to donate approximately $37 billion USD in shares to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, effectively making it the largest charitable organization in history. (Fortune)(NYT)(BBC)
June 26, 2006 (Monday)
June 27, 2006 (Tuesday)
June 28, 2006 (Wednesday)
June 29, 2006 (Thursday)
  • Israeli government puts off an offensive to the northern Gaza Strip, and freezes military operations in the southern Gaza strip, to allow further time for diplomatic negotiations. There have been no Palestinian fatalities in two days of Israeli operations in the Gaza Strip and West Bank. (Haaretz)
  • Six Qassam rockets are launched from the northern Gaza Strip against Israeli towns. The Israel Defense Forces fire over 400 artillery shells at unpopulated areas in the Gaza Strip, to suppress further rocket attacks. (Ynet)
  • Russia asks Israel to avoid harming Palestinian civilians in any offensive in the Gaza Strip and urges militants to free the abducted Israeli soldier. (Independent SA)
  • The body of Israeli student Eliyahu Asheri is found buried in a field near Ramallah with a head shot. Asheri, 18, was kidnapped and killed on Sunday night by a Palestinian militant group. (Haaretz)
  • Failed Israeli air strike against two Islamic Jihad militants in Gaza leaves one civilian lightly wounded. (Ynet)
  • The body of Noam Moskovich, an Alzheimer's patient who was claimed to be abducted by Palestinian militants, is found in Rishon LeZion. Police ruled out both criminal and terrorist motives. (Jerusalem Post)
  • Israeli soldiers arrest 62 Hamas members in the West Bank, including 8 ministers and 20 lawmakers in the Palestinian Authority, raising concern at concurrent G8 summit. Israeli officials announce that further arrests are expected, and that the suspects will face standard criminal proceedings. (Haaretz), (Reuters Alertnet)
June 30, 2006 (Friday)
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Armed conflicts




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