Julian Harston

Julian Harston born 20 October 1942 in Nairobi, Kenya, son of Colonel Clive Harston, King's African Rifles, is an independent Consultant on International Peace and Security matters. He retired as an Assistant Secretary General in the United Nations. His last post was as the Representative of the Secretary-General in Belgrade, Serbia. Prior to this until March 2009 he was the Special Representative of the Secretary-General heading MINURSO Western Sahara. He was for 25 years a member of the United Kingdom Diplomatic Service. He completed his secondary education at The King's School, Canterbury,England. He then earned a Bachelor of Science in Politics from the University of London and a degree in African Politics from the University of Rhodesia. Harston lectures all over the world to distinguished military and civilian audiences,and takes a leading role in War Games and Exercises for NATO and for the UK, Swedish, Canadian and Ugandan armed forces. In December 2011 Harston was asked to lead a Strategic Review for the UN Security Council on UNIFIL, the peacekeeping operation in Lebanon.Harston lectures at the Polish Diplomatic Academy and at the University of Belgrade. In August 2013 he was asked to make a presentation to the government committee reviewing Swiss Security Policy in Bern Switzerland.He publishes papers on peacekeeping and international diplomacy. He is married with one son, and two step daughters.


