Julia Piera

Julia Piera (Madrid, 1970) is a contemporary poet. She is the author of the following books: Al vértice de la arena (Biblioteca Nueva, 2003), Igual que esos pájaros disecados (Hojas de Zenobia, Diputación de Huelva, 2004), Conversaciones con Mary Shelley (Icaria Editorial, Barcelona, 2006) and Puerto Rico digital (Bartleby Editores, Madrid, 2009). She is the winner of the Villa de Madrid (Francisco de Quevedo) 2010 Poetry Prize for her book Puerto Rico digital.

Her poems have appeared in various magazines and publications such as El periódico de poesía (UNAM), El signo del gorrión, Can Mayor, ArteletrA and Galerna. Her work has also been included in anthologies Once de marzo, poemas para el recuerdo (Pre-Textos, 2004), Campo abierto (DVD, 2005), Poetas en blanco y negro contemporáneos (Abada, 2006), Complicidades (Ave del Paraíso Ediciones, 2008), Landing Places: Immigrant Poets in Ireland (Dedalus Press, 2010), Palabras sobre palabras: 13 poetas jóvenes de España (Santiago Inédito, 2010) and most recently Poetry from Spain for the 21st Century, edited by Forrest Gander (Shearsman Books, 2013). During 2013 she participated in the transmedia project “Imagina cuántas palabras” in Spain. She has collaborated with the painter Jesús Ibáñez in the introductory text to his 2006-2007 exhibition at the Ansorena Gallery in Madrid. Some of her poems have been versioned into pieces by the experimental British composer Geoff Gould. Piera collaborates with the El viajero travel section of the Spanish newspaper El País.

She holds a BA in Economics from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and has an MA in Romance Languages and Literature from Harvard University. She is currently the director of the Colby College program in Spain.





"Viaje de Cork al Anillo de Kerry" in National Geographic Spain, ViajesNG nº 146, 2012

"El ídolo de los orígenes" in El País (El viajero section), 22-6-2012

"Niños y otros duendes" in El País (El viajero section), 9-4-2010

"Lord Byron llegó en burro" in El País (El viajero section), 10-11-2007

"La isla mujer, verde flotante" in El País (El viajero section), 21-04-2007

"El fantasma de la Dama Blanca" in El País (El viajero section), 24 June 2006

"Una flor para Emily Dickinson" in El País (El viajero section), 25 March 2006
