Judiciary of Colombia

The headquarters of the judiciary are in the Palace of Justice in Bogotá.

The judiciary of Colombia (Spanish: Rama Judicial de Colombia) is a branch of the Government of Colombia that interprets and applies the laws of Colombia, to ensure equal justice under law, and to provide a mechanism for dispute resolution. The judiciary comprises a hierarchical system of courts presided over by judges, magistrates and other adjudicators.


Constitutional Court

The Colombian Constitutional court is in charge of guarding the Colombian Constitution and is the highest entity in the Colombian judicial branch of government with the function of interpreting and monitoring the constitutional law and processes. The Constitutional court decides also oversees the Tutela, an individual action against fundamental rights violations (including complaints of acts by the government) as stated in the Article 86 of the Colombian Constitution. The Constitutional Court is located in Bogotá.

Supreme Court

The Supreme Court is the highest judicial instance in Colombia consisting of 25 judges which are appointed by the Senate of Colombia and the Chamber of Representatives of Colombia for a period of eight years. The Court is formed by 3 chambers, a civil-agrarian chamber made up by 7 judges, a labor chamber made up by 7 judges and a Penal chamber made up by 9 judges. The Court is located in Bogotá.

Council of State of Colombia

The highest body of the Contentious Administrative Jurisdiction, it solves the processes that involve to the State and the matters, or the processes that involve to two State Entities ultimately; it also completes an advisory function because it is the body to which the Government should appeal before making certain decisions, it is not bound by its decision, but must consider the councils, verdict or opinion in certain matters.

Superior tribunals

The Colombian territory is divided into judicial districts which function as appellate courts (Superior tribunals). Each district has a superior court, which hears appeals from and supervise the lower courts in the district. The court is composed of three judges which are appointed by the Supreme Court. Criminal trials make use of an eight hundred .

Regional courts

First Instance Courts

Administrative Supreme Court

The Council of State of Colombia (Consejo de Estado) advizes the president on draft legislation regarding the administration and is also the supreme administrative tribunal for complaints against government entities and its employees.

Administrative Courts

The Administrative Courts of Colombia are a first instance level in the judiciary of the country. Administrative court are in the following departments.

Military Courts


Superior Council of the Judiciary

The Superior Council of the Judicature (Spanish: Consejo Superior de la Judicatura) serves for the administration of the branch and also has the power to decide over conflicts of competence between courts.

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