Juan Carrasco (general)

Juan Carrasco
Born June 24, 1878
Mazatlán, Sinaloa, México
Died November 8, 1922
Nayarit, México
Nationality Mexican
Occupation military

General Juan Carrasco (1878–1922), was a Mexican farmer and military who participated in the Mexican Revolution. He was Chief of Military Operations of Baja California, Sonora, Sinaloa and Nayarit. [1]

Early years

Juan Carrasco was born in Puerta de Canoas, Mazatlán, Sinaloa, México on June 24, 1878. [2] His parents Were Feliciano Carrasco and Santos Aguirre.[3] Carrasco was raised in El Potrero de Carrasco, near of Mazatlán.[4] His childhood and youth were developed in the field, dedicated to helping to his parents to cultivate the land and livestock.[3]

When he had eight years he was sent to study in Mazatlán. However, three months after he returned to Rancho El Potrero, because his father had died. Not going back to school. According to his biographer, could not read or write.[2] He dedicated himself to work and sell lime[3][2] and building materials to support his family.[2] He supported to Francisco I. Madero presidential candidate.[5]

During the Revolution

In 1910, he joined to the Plan de San Luis Potosí, signed by Madero, who summoned the Mexican people to the revolution, ignoring the government of General Porfirio Díaz, and the other authorities whose power dominated the popular vote. Carrasco enlisted in the forces of General Justo Tirado.[2] His troop had 150 men and he fought on the Noria, in Venadillo, in Rosario, in the gorge of El Limón and Mazatlán. The triumph of the cause maderista after the treaties of Ciudad Juarez, as he had no vocation as a soldier, but a rancher who lived of the products of their land, went home to remain what he had been: farmer.[5]

In 1913, when his ex-boss Jesús Tirado took up arms against the government of Madero, Carrasco was released back into the fight.

Huerta, who soon learned what the irreducible maderistas Governors were, sent to apprehend Felipe Riveros, who was captured by his minions on March 21, 1913.

When he learned of his arrest, he tried to communicate with him, but this was not possible, so he got up with 50 men, who were the ones he could assemble. [5]

So, at first his work was focused on cutting guerrilla communications and prevent the traffic of trains with federal troops.[2] Some friends of Mazatlan sent urgent messages telling him that Huerta would apprehend Riveros, so, people ready, he left his ranch to have two fights in La Bola and El Potrero Chico, with Captain Meza and Juan Canedo. Thus began his fight with 95 men. After fighting in El Limon and El Venado, fought in La Loma, defeating 60 soldiers and taking away 80 horses. On that occasion he won arms, ammunition and several men with which he went on to Concordia. These battles were followed for battles in La Noria and Modesto.[5]

On September 9, 1913 Quila take the square and then fought in El Habal and The Venadillo. Alberto T. Rasgado general was the head of an army of 1500 armed men chased him,[2] registering fighting in places such as the water intake Sequeiros, Badiraguato, Comederos, El Zopilote,[5] El Conchi, The Milkweed and Tierra Blanca. Conchi defeated in the federal column composed of the second battalion of sappers and a fraction of the eighth battalion taking away two guns and making many prisoners. Participate in the square of Mazatlán, with Ramón f.Iturbe general in 1914.

He reached the rank of brigadier general the first of November 1915. He was head of several military zones in 1919 asked permission to Secretaría de Guerra y Marina (secretary of War and Marine) to withdraw of the army and accept the nomination to the government of Sinaloa (after he was persuaded by his friends to accept the nomination[3]). The fall of presidency Venustiano Carranza, who was a supporter, force him to abandon his political plans. For personal questions, he dissociate of General Angel Flores, and championed the cause "antiobregonista". In Guamuchilito, within the limits of Nayarit and Durango on November 8, 1922, confronted forces pursuing him, on his way to Durango to join forces with General Francisco Murguía. Carrasco fought melee, but lost his life. He was buried in the cemetery of El Potrero.[2]

Personal life

He married Mrs. Manuela Lizarraga having two children, Rafael and Concepción.[3]

Historian and writer of Sinalola José Juan Carrasco C. Valadés Described Juan Carrasco as Follows: "Juan Carrasco was one of the most salient characterizations of rural Mexican Revolution. Rustic and illiterate man; but generous and honest, had a creative vocation. Intuitive by nature, loved freedom. He believed in the social and political equality of men. He was excited for the progress. He had a lively intelligence and enterprising, and felt a real passion for command and government. He lacked, however, as the vast majority of rural people, the sense of anticipation, so he could don´t the career that ambition surely and also, given their qualities, deserved."[6]

In 1910 he was known at the end of the revolution with the nickname "El Calero".[2] All his soldiers were volunteers; many of them were his relatives and most of the others had worked with him. He allowed the soldiers themselves named their classes and bosses. Also, if a soldier killed another, Carrasco allowed the other soldiers in his troop shot him because he did not want that "there contrary between them."[5]

Carrasco felt entitled to be just a humble servant of the Army and the people; their aspirations were satisfied in the place where he came to be. On several occasions he was offered high positions, but he refused it.[3]



  1. Las sociedades de frontera en la Revolución Mexicana 1910-1929 (in Spanish: The frontier societies in the Mexican Revolution 1910-1929). Posted by Luis Héctor González Mendoza in Friday, 27 August 2010, to 14:40 pm. Retrieved in Sunday, 17 August 2014 03:15.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 "El general Juan Carrasco". December 26, 2005. Retrieved 8 May 2010.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Juan Carrasco, personajes Sinaloa (in Spanish: Juan Carrasco, Sinaloa characters). Posted by Luis Zúñiga in June 29, 2012. Retrieved in August 17, 2014, to 02:50pm.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Contingentes de 50 escuelas conmemoran hoy la Revolución (in Spanish: 50 schools´s Contingent today commemorating the revolution). Retrieved in August 17, 2014, to 03: 20pm.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Mis memorias de la Revolución. Isidro Fabela. 72. El General Juan Carrasco (in Spanish: My memories of the Revolution. Isidro Fabela. 72 The General Juan Carrasco). Written in October, 1977. Retrieved in August 17, 2014.
  6. Juan Carrasco, ecos de la Revolución Mexicana 26, frases a sinaloenses (in Spanish: Juan Carrasco, echoes of the Mexican Revolution 26 sinaloan phrases). Posted by José C. Valadés. February 20, 2013. Retrieved in August 17, 2014, to 02: 40pm.
  7. Juan Carrasco Primary School. Retrieved in August 17, 2014, to 02: 30pm.

External links