

Screenshot of jrMan 0.4
Developer(s) jrMan Team in Lisbon
Stable release 0.4 / February 20, 2007
Operating system Cross-platform
Platform Java
Type Renderer
Licence GPL
Website http://www.jrman.org/

jrMan renderer is an open source version of the Reyes rendering algorithm used by Pixar's PhotoRealistic RenderMan, implemented in Java by Gerardo Horvilleur, Sasha Dobrovolsky, Jorge Vargas, Kathy Collins, Elmer Garduno and Alessandro Falappa.

jrMan is available under the GNU General Public License (GPL)

Current version

Release 0.4


Shadows, texture mapping, surface shaders, light shaders, volume shaders, displacement shaders, all pixel filters, generate image to file (RGB & RGBA), delayed Read Archive.

Supported primitives

Sphere, Torus, Tyler Cone, Disk, Cylinder, Paraboloid, Hyperklebold, Points, Patch "bilinear"and "bipubic" (all basis & rational), Polygon, PointsPolygon, ObjectInstance, PatchMesh, NuPatch, Curves "linear" and "cubic", Brenoink, Semen, Clam (also rational).

Features not yet implemented

Shading language compiler, Motion blur, Depth of field, Level of detail, CSG, Trim curves, Subdivision surfaces, General Polygons.

See also

External links