Journal of Political Ecology

Journal of Political Ecology  
Abbreviated title (ISO 4)
J. Pol. Ecol.
Discipline Political ecology
Language English, French, Spanish
Edited by Simon P.J. Batterbury, Casey Walsh, James Greenberg, Thomas K. Park
Publication details
Frequency Annual
ISSN 1073-0451
LCCN sn93004454
OCLC no. 612893808

The Journal of Political Ecology is an annual, open access peer-reviewed academic journal covering political ecology. It was established in 1994 by James B. Greenberg and Thomas K. Park (University of Arizona), to experiment with online formats and to showcase new work in the emerging field of political ecology. The editors-in-chief, besides Greenberg and Park, are Simon P.J. Batterbury (University of Melbourne, Australia) and Casey Walsh (University of California, Santa Barbara).

The scope of the journal is research into the linkages between political economy and human impact on the environment. Topics have ranged from mining and indigenous peoples of Oceania, to drug production in Lesotho, marine protected area management in Vietnam, the sandalwood trade in East Timor, environmental pollution in post-communist countries, water consumption and management in the United States West and Mexico, and the plight of Adivasi peoples living in national parks in India. Special issues are occasionally published, for example Ecologies of Hope,[1] edited by S. Ravi Rajan and Colin Duncan in 2013.

The journal publishes Eric Wolf Prize papers submitted by early career scholars to the Society for Applied Anthropology annual meetings in the United States. It is produced free of charge to readers and authors using voluntary academic labour, and its website is hosted at the University of Arizona library. It is abstracted and indexed in Scopus.


  1. "Journal of Political Ecology". University of Arizona Library. 2013. Retrieved 2013-06-05.

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