Journal of International Economics

Journal of International Economics  
Abbreviated title (ISO 4)
J. Int. Econ.
Discipline Economics
Language English
Edited by Charles Engel, Robert W. Staiger
Publication details
Publication history
Frequency Bimonthly
ISSN 0022-1996
OCLC no. 1797961

The Journal of International Economics is a peer-reviewed academic journal in the field of economics. The journal publishes articles on both theoretical and empirical aspects of international economics. Various topics covered include trade patterns, commercial policy, international institutions, exchange rates, open economy macroeconomics, international finance, and international factor mobility.

Beginning in February 2000 the journal initiated the Bhagwati Award, named in honor of Jagdish Bhagwati. The award is given biannually to the best article appearing in the journal in the preceding two years. The monetary value of the award is $1,000.