Josué Jéhouda

Josué Jéhouda (born Koldriansky; March 19, 1892 - March 19, 1966 in Geneva) was a Russian Jew and Swiss Zionist militant, French language writer and journalist.

He fought in the Jewish Legion during World War I, and worked in the Zionist committee in Zürich up until the Balfour Declaration of 1917, founding the Revue juive magazine in Geneva.

He was author of the Histoire de la colonie juive de Genève 1843-1943 (1944) and of the novel cycle La tragédie d'Israël (Miriam and De père en fils; 1927-1928).

In the early 1910s, he boosted Panait Istrati's career by teaching him French, and helped him during his illness.