Joseph Achuzie

Joseph "Hannibal" Achuzie (born 1929) was a General in the Biafran Army. Achuzie is best known for his successful air raids against the Nigerian Army and success in bombing Nigerian defenses during battles.


Before Achuzie was made a General in the Biafran Army and was a colonel in the Nigerian Army. Achuzie had to flee into the Igbo heartland during the Anti-Igbo sentiment of 1966. When Biafra was proclaimed on May 30, 1967 he was freed from the prison on terms of "self defense". Before he became General, he was a commander in Philip Effiong's brigade and led successful attacks against the Nigerian Army at battles in Nsukka and Onitsha. Achuzie was nicknamed by fellow soldiers "Hannibal" for his success and determination in fighting against the enemy. When Achuzie was made general in mid-1968 he assisted Carl Gustaf von Rosen in air attacks against the Nigerian Army in and around the city of Owerri. In mid-1969 Achuzie helped defend the city of Oguta against Nigerian General Murtala Muhammad but was overpowered by the much larger Nigerian Army. With most of his men dead Achuzie retreated to Umuahia and stayed their until it fell on December 24, 1969. Achuzie retreated yet again to Owerri but was caught by Nigerian General Olusegun Obasanjo and was beaten mercilessly by his captors. When Biafra surrendered on January 15, 1970 he was given full amnesty by Nigerian President Yakubu Gowon and was released from prison.

After Biafra

After Achuzie was released from prison in 1970 he officially retired from military activities and moved to Anambra State. He lives there as of 2012 and is a prominent figure in Nigerian politics.
