Jonathan (Buffy comic)


Publication information
Publisher Dark Horse Comics
Format Full color, 32 pages.
    Publication date Jan 03, 2001
    Number of issues BtVS: Jonathan
    Creative team
    Writer(s) Jane Espenson
    Penciller(s) Cliff Richards
    Inker(s) Andy Owens
    Colorist(s) Guy Major

    Jonathan is a comic, a story based on the Buffy the Vampire Slayer television series.

    Story description

    Only one person can save Sunnydale from Russian vampire mobsters, surprisingly that is Jonathan Levinson. Jonathan gets help from the Slayer and her pals. It seems Jonathan is quite the legend, and appears to be admired by the whole world. Jonathan's fame continues into the Buffy episode Superstar.


    Canonical issues

    Main article: Buffyverse canon

    Buffy comics such as this one are not usually considered by fans as canonical. Some fans consider them stories from the imaginations of authors and artists, while other fans consider them as taking place in an alternative fictional reality. However unlike fan fiction, overviews summarising their story, written early in the writing process, were 'approved' by both Fox and Joss Whedon (or his office), and the books were therefore later published as official Buffy merchandise. Some fans argue this comic is canon, because it was written by Jane Espenson.

    Ultimately, since the events of this comic are set in the world created by Jonathan in "Superstar", as such they would have been erased at the end of the that episode.

    External links