Johor State Anthem

Lagu Bangsa Johor
English: Johor State Anthem

State anthem of  Johor

Lyrics Hj. Mohamed Said Hj. Sulaiman, 1914
Music Mackertich Galistan Abdullah, 1897
Adopted 1897

The Johor State Anthem (Malay: Lagu Bangsa Johor) which was composed by Armenian bandmaster Mackertich Galistan Abdullah had no official lyrics until 1914 when a staff member of the Hong Kong Bank in Johor Bahru, Hubert Allen Courtney, wrote the first English words and Haji Mohamed Said Hj. Sulaiman rewrote it in Malay. It was adapted from the famous Malay tune Dondang Sayang and officially approved and adopted by Sultan Ibrahim in 1897.


Lagu Bangsa Johor

Allah peliharakan Sultan
Anugerahkan dia segala kehormatan
Sihat dan ria, kekal dan makmur
Luaskan kuasa, menaungkan kami
Rakyat dipimpini berzaman lagi
Dengan Merdeka bersatu hati
Allah berkati Johor
Allah selamatkan Sultan

O God cherish the Sultan
Bestow him with all the honour
Healthy and cheerful, remain and prosper
Expand his power, embracing us
The people are led for centuries to come
With independence and unity in the hearts
O God bless Johor
O God save the Sultan

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