John de Grauntsete

John de Grauntsete (John of Grantchester) (c.1270-c.1350) was an English born judge in fourteenth-century Ireland. More is known about him than about many of his colleagues, from which we can form some idea of the life of an Irish judge at the time. He sat in turn in each of the Irish Courts of common law, and unusually, he is known to have appeared in Court as an advocate even after he became a judge.

Early career

He was a native of Grantchester in Cambridgeshire, his surname being the older form of the town's name (it appears as Grauntsethe in Domesday Book). He seems to have been in practice as a lawyer by 1300 and in 1302 was nominated by the Bishop of Ely[1] to be his attorney.[2]

He came to Dublin in or shortly before 1308 and married Alice de Morton, daughter and co-heiress of Geoffrey de Morton, Lord Mayor of Dublin and one of its wealthiest shipowners.[3] He acquired a house abutting the city wall, close to old Dublin Bridge, now Father Mathew Bridge; he later completed two small towers, one at each end of the bridge, and began the building of the chapel. He also owned property in Castle Street and at Oxmantown. His property by the bridge included the Dublin "fish-house" for the upkeep of which he was responsible. He was given a licence to pierce the city wall to provide his house with light.

He continued to practice law and was legal adviser to the owner of Rathfarnham Castle in 1320. In 1326 he was made second Baron of the Court of Exchequer (Ireland) and the following year transferred to the Court of Common Pleas (Ireland).[4]

Judge and advocate?

His career suffered a serious reverse due to a curious episode in 1329 when the former Chief Baron of the Irish Exchequer, Walter de Islip, was engaged in litigation with one William de London.[5] Grauntsete appeared as advocate for de London; behaviour which was most unusual, if not unique in the history of the common law.[6] He then proceeded to offend the judges by reading out letters of excommunication from the Papal Court. He was charged with attempting to subvert the Royal authority in favour of that of the Pope, deprived of office, imprisoned and fined.[7] King Edward III however soon granted him a pardon and he was restored to office.

Later career

The King seems to have thought well of him and invited him to England twice to discuss Irish affairs. In 1331 he was transferred to the Court of King's Bench (Ireland). About that time he became custodian of Leixlip Castle, with the enjoyment of the manor and its fishery. Technically for a serving judge to acquire property was an offence, for which he obtained another pardon.[8]

He was a noted benefactor of the Priory of Holy Trinity, now Christchurch Cathedral, Dublin. After his wife's death about 1335 the Prior of Holy Trinity ordained that two canons would pray for his health, and one after his death would pray for the souls of himself and his wife.[9] Grauntsete obtained licence to erect a chapel in St. Michan's Church, and also built St. Mary's Chapel on Dublin Bridge itself.[10]

St. Michan's Church, where Grauntsete built a chapel.

He was also a benefactor of the Hospitallers at Kilmainham and it was at Kilmainham that he spent his later years. In return for his benefactions to the Priory he had a large suite of servants to attend him, three horses and the right to dine at the Prior's table. [11]He was still alive in November 1348, when he appears to have been in England,[12] possibly in connection with the licence for St Mary's on the Bridge, which was granted the previous month.


  1. Either Ralph Walpole, who died in March 1302, or his successor Robert Orford.
  2. Ball , F. Elrington The Judges in Ireland 1221-1921 John Murray London 1926 Vol. 1 p.68
  3. Ball p.27
  4. Ball p.28
  5. Ball p.29
  6. Cohen, Herman History of the English Bar to 1450 1929 Sweet and Maxwell reprinted 2005 p.272
  7. Ball pp.28-9
  8. Ball p.29
  9. Ball p.30
  10. National Archives SC 8/264/12164
  11. Ball p.31
  12. Calendar of Patent Rolls Edward III 25 November 1348