John J. McNeill

John J. McNeill was ordained as a Jesuit priest[1] in 1959 and now is a psychotherapist and an academic theologian, with a particular reputation within the field of Queer Theology.

Academic career

He obtained a Ph.D. from the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium in 1964 and has taught at LeMoyne College in Syracuse, NY and Fordham University in NYC. In 1972, he joined the combined Woodstock Jesuit Seminary and Union Theological Seminary faculty as professor of Christian Ethics, specializing in Sexual Ethics.


According to Charles Curran, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith systematically attempted to silence authors also critical of teachings on homosexuality, citing the "highlighting" of errors in McNeill's The Church and the Homosexual. McNeill was expelled from the Society of Jesus in 1987.

Published works



  1. Briggs, Kenneth A. (September 2, 1977). "Vatican Silences Priest Who Urged Church Ease View". The New Yorks Times. p. 34. Retrieved 4 August 2012.

External links a documentary on John McNeill directed by Brendan Fay