John Elvesjo

John Mikael Holtz Elvesjö, born September 19, 1977, is a Swedish entrepreneur and inventor. Born Holtz, John Elvesjö took his mother’s maiden name at the age of 18 when his father died.

Elvesjö studied Engineering Physics at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm and in 1999 founded Jenser Technology, a spin-off from the Institute of Surface Chemistry and based on his previous research.

In 1995 Elvesjö was recruited by Henrik Eskilsson as the first employee of Trampolinspecialisten. Elvesjö recruited Marten Skogo in 2000 and Henrik Eskilsson in 2001, the same year the three entrepreneurs founded Tobii Technology.[1] Elvesjö is currently Chief Technical Officer and Executive Vice President at Tobii Technology.

Scholarships, Grants, Awards and Publications


  1. 1.0 1.1 Adam Edström, "Tobii-John årets IT-förnyare", Elektronik Tidningen March 14, 2008 (Swedish)
  2. "Winning ideas: The Best Ideas Environmental Innovation 2001 p. 4 (pdf)
  3. "A Fall of Awards for Tobii Technology," Tobii Technology Press Release November 22, 2007.
  4. Elisabeth Vene, "Så vinner man kompetenspriser!" NyTeknik March 13, 2008 (Swedish)


External links