Johannes Grøntved
Johannes Grøntved (1882–1956) was a Danish botanist. He made investigations of flora and vegetation in Denmark, the Faroe Islands, Iceland, Greenland and Estonia. He was editor of The Botany of Iceland from vol. 3 part 2.
Selected scientific works
- Grøntved, J. (1927) Formationsstatistiske Undersøgelser paa nogle danske Overdrev. Botanisk Tidsskrift 40: 1-71. Used Raunkiær's quantitative method to describe grassland vegetation. The data were later used by Thorvald Sørensen in developing his quotient of similarity.
- Grøntved, J. (1939) Polygonaceernes Udbredelse i Danmark [The distribution in Denmark of Polygonaceae]. Botanisk Tidsskrift 45: 10-58.
- Grøntved, J. & Sørensen, T. (1941) Nøgle til bestemmelse af danske græsser i blomsterløs tilstand [Determination key to vegetative grasses in Denmark]. Munksgaard, København.
- Grøntved, J. (1954) Typhaceernes og Sparganiaceernes udbredelse i Danmark [The distribution in Denmark of Typhaceae and Sparganiaceae]. Botanisk Tidsskrift 50: 209-238.