Johannes Balzli

Johannes Balzli, 1914, from his book "Guido v. List: Der Wiederentdecker Uralter Arischer Weisheit - Sein Leben und sein Schaffen"

Johannes Hans Balzli, more commonly known as Johannes Balzli, was an Austrian/German author, newspaper editor, Theosophist and Armanist, most notable for his biography of Guido von List, entitled, "Guido v. List: Der Wiederentdecker Uralter Arischer Weisheit - Sein Leben und sein Schaffen" . ("Guido v. List - The Rediscoverer of Ancient Aryan Wisdom - His Life and His Work.")


The biography on List was published while Theosophists acknowledged List's nationalist popularization of their doctrines,[1] that was published in Vienna by the Guido-von-List-Gesellschaft in 1917, and republished later in the 20th century by Adolf Schleipfer.

This biography of List was the only book length biography of List that exists and indeed that has ever been written.

Balzli was the secretary of the Leipzig Theosophical Society and editor of occult magazine Prana (occult magazine) (1909–19) [2] of which was initially edited by astrologer Karl Brandler-Pracht.

During 1916 and 1917 List wrote several articles on the approaching national millennium, which was supposed to be realized once the Allies had been defeated, Balzli published 2 of these predictions in Prana in 1917.

Written works

See also



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