Johann Matthias Hase
Johann Matthias (Matyhias) Hase (Haas, Haase) (Latinized as Johannes Hasius) (14 January 1684 – 24 September 1742) was a German mathematician, astronomer, and cartographer.
Hase taught at Leipzig and his native Augsburg. In 1720, he became professor of mathematics at the University of Wittenberg.
Hase made maps for the publishing firm of Homännische Erben ("Homännis' Heirs"), such as the Europa secundum legitimas projectionis stereographieae regulas (1743).
In 1739 at Nuremberg, Hase published his Regni Davidici et Salomonaei descriptio geographica et historica, una cum delineatione Syriae et Aegypti pro statu temporum sub Seleucidis et Lagidis regibus mappis luculentis exhibita, et probationibus idoneis instructa. Juncta est huic operi consideratio urbium maximarum veterum et recentiorum, ac operum quorundam apud antiquos celebrium. This work, as a historical survey of the kingdoms of David and Solomon, as well as of the dominions of the Seleucids, included maps of Syria and Egypt.
In 1744, he made the political map Hungariae ampliori significatu et veteris vel Methodicae complexae Regna (published at Nuremberg). It shows the Kingdom of Hungary, as well as countries along the Danube and in Southeast Europe.
Hase died in Wittenberg. The crater Hase on the Moon is named after him.
- USC Public Archives (English)
- Maps of Europe (English)
- Die Mathematikprofessoren der Leucorea (German)
- Slowakeiportal (German)