Joey Mellen

Joseph "Joey" Mellen (born September 1939) is the British-born author of Bore Hole, a book about his attempts at self-trepanation, influenced by Bart Huges, and his eventual success with the help of his partner Amanda Feilding.[1][2][3] Mellen then filmed Amanda's own self-trepanation for a documentary entitled "Heartbeat in the Brain".[2]

Mellen and Feilding lived together from late 1960s to the early 1990. They had two sons, Rock Basil Hugo Feilding Mellen (born 1979) and Cosmo Birdie Feilding Mellen (born 1985).[4]

See also


  1. "Q. How do hippy aristocrats broaden their minds? A. They bore holes in their heads". Evening Standard. September 14, 1995.
  2. 2.0 2.1 "EUREKA!". DAILY MAIL. November 18, 2004.
  3. Birth date from Bore Hole
  4. "Like a hole in the head". The Sunday Independent. August 31, 2008.

External links