Joe Chill

Not to be confused with Joe Cool.

Joe Chill

Joe Chill from Detective Comics #577 (August 1987).
Art by Todd McFarlane.
Publication information
Publisher DC Comics
First appearance Detective Comics #33 (November 1939), Named: Batman #47 (June–July 1948)
Created by Bill Finger
Bob Kane
In-story information
Full name Joseph Chilton

Joe Chill is a fictional character in the DC Comics Batman series. In many versions of Batman's origin story he is a mugger who murders young Bruce Wayne's parents, thus making him indirectly responsible for Batman's existence.[1]

Fictional character biography

Not much is known about Chill except that he is, in most versions of Batman, a petty mugger who kills Bruce's parents Thomas and Martha while trying to take their money and jewelry. When he demands Martha's necklace, Thomas moves to protect his wife and Chill kills him; he then kills Martha when she screams for help. (In one Golden Age version, Martha dies from a heart attack brought on from the shock of seeing her husband murdered.) Chill panics and runs away when Bruce begins crying and calling for help but not before the boy memorizes his features. In at least three versions of the Batman mythos, the Waynes' killer is never identified.

Pre-Crisis version

Chil holding the Wayne family at gunpoint. Detective Comics #33 (November 1939) Art by Bob Kane.

Batman's origin story is first established in a sequence of panels in Detective Comics #33 (November 1939) that is later reproduced in the comic book Batman #1 (Spring 1940), but the mugger is not given a name until Batman #47 (June–July 1948). In that issue, Batman discovers that Joe Chill, the small-time crime boss he is investigating, is none other than the man who killed his parents. Batman confronts him with the knowledge that Chill killed Thomas and Martha Wayne. Chill, believing there is no way Batman could know this, accuses him of bluffing, but Batman reveals his secret identity as Bruce Wayne. Terrified, Chill flees and seeks protection from his henchmen. Once his henchmen learn that Chill's actions led to the hated Batman's existence, however, they turn on their boss and gun him down before realizing how priceless his knowledge of Batman's true identity is. Before a dying Chill has a chance to reveal Batman's identity, the Dark Knight intervenes and knocks out the goons so they will never hear what Chill has to say. Chill dies in Batman's arms, acknowledging that Batman got his revenge after all.

In Detective Comics #235 (1956), Batman learns that Chill was not a mere robber, but actually a hitman who murdered the Waynes on orders from a Mafia boss named Lew Moxon. Batman also deduced that was why he himself was unharmed by Chill at that incident, so he would inadvertently support Moxon's alibi that he had nothing to do with a robbery that became a felony murder.

In The Brave and the Bold #79 (Sep. 1968), Joe Chill is revealed to have a brother, Max, who is also a criminal. Max Chill is suspected of having murdered Boston Brand (AKA Deadman), though the suspicion proves erroneous. Max is killed when a stack of slot machines falls onto him.

In Batman #208 (Jan./Feb. 1969), it is revealed that both Joe and Max had changed their name to Chill from Chilton, and that their mother is Mrs. Chilton, housekeeper to Bruce Wayne's uncle Philip Wayne. Philip became guardian of Bruce after his parents' deaths but, as he was often away on business, Mrs. Chilton played the primary parental role in the boy's life. As an adult, Bruce continues to visit the elderly woman, whom he still calls "Ma Chilton". He is unaware of her connection with Joe and Max Chill. For her part, Mrs. Chilton knows Bruce is secretly Batman and is proud of him; she is also aware that her sons, whom she mourns, died fighting him.

Modern Age version

In the 1987 storyline Batman: Year Two, Chill played a key role. Several Gotham City crime bosses pool their resources to deal with a vigilante called the Reaper, and Chill is hired to take him out. When Batman proposes an alliance it is agreed that he and Chill will work together something Batman finds repugnant, but which he nevertheless justifies to himself as necessary to tackle the Reaper. He vows to kill Chill afterwards. Chill is also commissioned to kill Batman after the Reaper has been disposed of. During a major confrontation, the crime bosses are all killed in a battle at a warehouse, in which the Reaper seemingly also perishes. Chill reasons that he now no longer needs to fulfill his contract, but Batman takes him to "Crime Alley", the scene of his parents' murder. There he confronts Chill and reveals his identity. Batman has Chill at gunpoint, but the Reaper appears and guns Chill down. It is left ambiguous as to whether or not Batman would have actually pulled the trigger.

In the 1991 sequel, Batman: Full Circle, Chill's son (also named Joe Chill) appears, taking on the identity of the now-deceased Reaper. He seeks revenge for his father's death, and subsequently attempts to drive Batman insane by using hallucinogenic drugs to trigger Batman's survivor's guilt over his parents' death, creating a video where a young boy's parents are killed in front of him and then the boy subsequently thanks God he didn't die himself. Chill knows that his father had killed Batman's parents, but does not know of Batman's identity. However, thanks to the intervention of Robin, Batman frees himself from the drug-induced haze, and overcomes his guilt. After the new Reaper is defeated, Batman learns to let go of his hatred of Chill.

After 1994's "Zero Hour" storyline, DC Comics stated that Batman never caught nor confronted the man who murdered his parents after having seen in an alternate timeline that Chill hadn't done it after all.[2]

In 2006, Infinite Crisis #6 reestablished that Chill murders Thomas and Martha Wayne, and that he is later arrested on that same night for their murder.

In the 2008 Grant Morrison story "Joe Chill in Hell" (featured in Batman #673), Chill is reinterpreted as a mid-level crime boss who builds the Land, Sea, Air Transport company from the ground up (most likely through illegal means). He blames his crimes, including murdering the Waynes, on class warfare. In this story, Batman has visited and frightened Chill every night for a month. Chill is living as a shut-in, but his guards never see or catch Batman during the visits. On his final visit, Batman gives Chill the gun he used to kill the Waynes. There is one bullet left within it. Chill finally realizes who Batman is, and fears what his fellow gangsters would do to him if they found out. It is hinted that he commits suicide. Considering the issue consists of Bruce's flashbacks and hallucinations from an experiment he undergoes during his early career, however, it is left ambiguous whether the events of the issue are real.

In 2009's Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? by Neil Gaiman, Joe Chill is seen as the bartender attending Batman's funeral (the funeral itself being a near death experience). Batman, who is observing the event, as well as Catwoman, note that Joe Chill should be dead. Chill notes that he was there at the birth of Batman, and it is only fitting he should be there to witness the end.

The New 52

In The New 52 (a reboot of the DC Comics universe), 18-year-old Bruce Wayne tracks Chill down and holds him at gunpoint, demanding to know who hired him to kill his parents. Chill responds that he just wanted Martha Wayne's pearls so he could buy alcohol, and that he didn't even know who the Waynes were until the next day. Enraged that his parents died for nothing, Bruce prepares to kill Chill, but relents at the last minute when he realizes that his father would not have wanted that. After sparing Chill's life, Bruce Wayne leaves Gotham City.[3]

Other versions

In Frank Miller's 1986 limited series Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Bruce Wayne finally learns to forgive Chill (who is not named). While being mugged by street punks, Bruce at first fantasizes that the two amateur criminals are Chill so he can take out his rage on them. They leave him alone after realizing he would have fought them, however. Bruce realizes that Chill had not killed his parents for killing's sake, as the two punks wanted to do to him, and thus was not evil. "All he wanted was money," he thinks to himself. "He was sick and guilty over what he did. I was naïve enough to think him the lowest sort of man."[4]

In comics featuring the Crime Syndicate of America, it is revealed that on the Syndicate's alternate Earth, Joe Chill is a friend of Dr. Thomas Wayne. One night, a policeman wants to bring the elder Wayne in for questioning and, when he refuses, opens fire; this Earth's version of Bruce Wayne and his mother are killed. Chill comes out of the alley to discover the dead bodies, and the Waynes' younger son Thomas Wayne Jr., leaves with him.[5]

In the alternate universe of Flashpoint, Joe Chill shoots and kills the young Bruce Wayne,[6] and Thomas Wayne seeks to kill him and avenge his son. He locates Chill and attempts to inject him with a drug, but instead beats him to death.[7] Afterwards, Thomas puts Chill's gun in a trophy display in the Batcave.[8]

Joe Chill is featured in many Elseworld titles, including Superman: Speeding Bullets,[9] Citizen Wayne,[10] Batman: In Darkest Knight,[11] Batman: Holy Terror,[12] Batman in Arkham,[13] JLA: Destiny,[14] and Dark Knight Dynasty.[15]

Joe Chill is featured in the comic book continuation of the television series Smallville, who worked as an Intergang contact before being killed by Mr. Freeze.[16]

Joe Chill appears in The Batman Adventures #17, which is set in the continuity of Batman: The Animated Series and its DCAU spinoffs. In a story by Ty Templeton, entitled "Fear Itself", Chill is shown to have spent his whole life as a career criminal since the night he murdered Bruce's parents. The story begins with Chill being released from prison after finishing a sentence for an unrelated crime, and it is apparent that he has been living in fear since that fateful night. Chill is convinced that Bruce Wayne, now one of the most powerful men on the planet, is biding his time to exact revenge. Chill's paranoia is so severe that he begins to see Bruce's face everywhere around him, even on other people. His paranoia goes into overdrive when he discovers that the retired detective who originally worked on the Wayne case has finally discovered evidence to reveal his guilt. Chill tracks the retired detective to his apartment and attempts to kill him, but Batman intervenes, unaware of who Chill is. In a brief scuffle Chill manages to unmask Batman, revealing the visage of Bruce Wayne. Terrified, Chill falls off a balcony, and Batman jumps after him in an attempt to save his life. Batman nearly catches Chill, who pushes him away and falls to his death. Batman is left at the end of the story wondering who the mysterious man was and why he would rather die than accept his help.

In Batman Beyond Unlimited, set in the DC Animated Universe, Chill is revealed to have a brother. Chill's grandnephew eventually has a child of his own, Jake. In the continuity, Jake Chill is a former security guard at Wayne-Powers, working under Derek Powers' "Quiet Squad." Having killed Warren McGinnis under Mr. Fixx's orders, Jake repeats his great-granduncle's history with the Waynes and indirectly creates another Batman. Though no one has discovered his involvement with McGinnis' murder, Jake Chill is wracked with guilt and decides to become a vigilante to redeem his family's sins.[17] Jake takes the name Vigilante, modified the uniform he got from his former employer as his costume, and works with Batman to stop a riot led by the Jokerz.[18]

In Andrew Vachss' novel Batman: The Ultimate Evil, Chill (who is never seen) is revealed to have killed Bruce Wayne's parents on the orders of an international ring of pedophiles. They wanted to silence Bruce's mother Martha, who was investigating a network of sexual slavery and child pornography.

On the alternate world of Earth-Two, Joe Chill is a hired assassin who shoots Thomas and Martha Wayne. Chill is later killed when Thomas Wayne (who had survived the shooting) crushes his skull in retaliation for Martha's death.[19]

In other media



Video games

See also


  1. Bill Finger (w), Bob Kane (p). "The Batman Wars Against the Dirigible of Doom" Detective Comics #33 (November, 1939), DC Comics
  2. Detective Comics #678 (Sept 1994)
  3. Batman: The Dark Knight #0 (Nov 2012)
  4. Batman: The Dark Knight Returns #1 (February 1986)
  5. Robert Greenberger (10 June 2008). "Owlman". The Essential Batman Encyclopedia. Random House Publishing Group. p. 285. ISBN 978-0-345-50106-6. Retrieved 6 June 2013.
  6. Flashpoint: Batman – Knight of Vengeance #1 (June 2011)
  7. Flashpoint: Batman – Knight of Vengeance #3 (August 2011)
  8. Flashpoint #1 (May 2011)
  9. Superman: Speeding Bullets
  10. Batman Chronicles #21
  11. Batman: In Darkest Knight
  12. Batman: Holy Terror
  13. Batman of Arkham
  14. JLA: Destiny
  15. Dark Knight Dynasty
  16. Smallville Season 11 vol. 1 #5-8 (September-December 2012)
  17. Batman Beyond Unlimited #5 (June 2012)
  18. Batman Beyond Unlimited #8 (September 2012)
  19. Earth 2 Annual #2