Jesús Padilla Gálvez

Jesús Padilla Gálvez
Born October 28, 1959
Almería, Spain
Alma mater University of Cologne
Era Contemporary philosophy
Region Western Philosophy
School Analytic
Main interests
Logic, Ontology, Epistemology, Philosophy of language, Philosophy of mathematics, Philosophy of science, Ethics.
Notable ideas
Reference, Sense, Truth, Proof, Self reference, I, Metalogic, Form of life (philosophy)

Jesús Padilla Gálvez (born October 28, 1959) is a philosopher who worked primarily in philosophy of language, logic, and the history of sciences.

Professional biography

Jesús Padilla Gálvez studied Philosophy, History and Mathematics at the University of Cologne (Germany) and was awarded the M.A. in 1983 and a Dr. phil. in Philosophy in 1988. He was Research Assistant (1988–1991) at the University of Murcia (Spain) and later held the post of Associate Professor (1992–1994) for Logic and Philosophy of Language at the University of León (Spain). From 1994 to 1999 he was Visiting Professor at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz (Austria). Since 1999 he has been Professor at the University of Castilla-La Mancha in Toledo (Spain). He has held visiting posts at the Universities of University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany), University of Graz (Austria), University of Potsdam (Germany), University of Cambridge (United Kingdom), University of Munich (Germany), University of Vienna and the University of Oxford (United Kingdom). As director of the international scientific journal "Dókos. Revista filosófica" (published in Plaza y Valdés, Madrid-Mexico) [1] and editor of the international series "Aporia / Aπορία" (De Gruyter) [2] the author is continuously engaged with highly relevant philosophical topics.

Philosophical views

In his doctoral thesis, Padilla Gálvez examined central issues of analytic philosophy.[3] His subsequent investigations are characterized by an application of the analytic method to the study of philosophical problems.[4] This method involves both, the analysis of language to eliminate ambiguity as well as a profound scrutiny of the logical form of philosophical propositions.[5] Padilla Galvez’s work may be classified into five lines of investigation: philosophy of language, logic, philosophy of history of science, social changes in democratic systems and language for specific purposes (LSP). He was dealing with the works of Gottfried Leibniz,[6] Immanuel Kant, Edmund Husserl, Ludwig Wittgenstein,[7]) Willard van Orman Quine y Saul Kripke, among others. Padilla Gálvez is recognized as one of the leading experts of Ludwig Wittgenstein´s philosophy in the English [8] and Spanish-speaking world.[9] As the co-author of the "Wittgenstein Studien" he has published extensively in the field by focusing on logic-grammatical analysis of language.[10] This includes such topics as history of logic and mathematics (Kurt Gödel [11]), theory of knowledge,[12] language,[13] aesthetics, politics (democracy and terrorism) and practical philosophy.


He is the author of



and of numerous articles in Diálogos, Grazer Philosophische Studien, Journal for General Philosophy of Science, Logos, Mathesis, Modern Logic, Philosophia Naturalis, Philosophisches Jahrbuch, Wittgenstein-Studien, Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung and other journals and collections.


  1. Cf. Referenz und Theorie der möglichen Welten (Peter Lang, Frankfurt a.M, 1989)
  2. Edmund Runggaldier, Analytische Sprachphilosophie. Stuttgart-Berlin-Köln: Kohlhammer, 1990.
  3. Cf. Phenomenology as Grammar (Ontos Verlag, Frankfurt a. M., Paris, Lancaster, New Brunswick, 2008). 2nd Edition: Phenomenology as Grammar (De Gruyter, Berlin, 2013). Transl. portuguese: Fenomenologia como gramática (Editora Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, 2011). Reflexionando acerca de la gramática filosófica Areté. Revista de filosofía, 2012, Vol. XXIV, Nr 2, pp. 323-349.)
  4. Cf.: Identität und Selbigkeit. Ontologische Interpretation der Leibnizschen Individuen (V. Internationaler Leibniz Kongress Leibniz Tradition und Aktualität, Ed. A. Heinekamp, Hannover, 1988, pp. 685 692); Las lógicas modales en confrontación con los conceptos básicos de la lógica modal de G. W. Leibniz (Theoria, 1991, Vol. 14-15, pp. 115-127); Die Leibnizsche Behandlung kontrafaktischer Bedingungssätze (Leibniz und Europa. VI. Internationaler Leibniz Kongreß. Hannover, 1994, pp. 565-572); Teoría de los mundos posibles e identidad (Analogía y expresión en Leibniz, Madrid, 1992, 103-109); Modalisatoren und mögliche Welten in den logisch-semantischen Untersuchungen um 1686 (Nihil sine ratione. VII. Internationaler Leibniz-Kongreß, Ed. Hans Poser, Berlin, 2001, pp. 926-933); Die Setzung der Einheit. Einheit in der Vielheit (VIII. Internationaler Leibniz-Kongress. Hannover, 2005, pp. 757-763); La teoría de los condicionales contrafácticos propuesta por Luis de Molina y la respuesta de G. W. Leibniz (Estudios Filosóficos, LVIII, 2009, pp. 333-346).
  5. Cf: Bibliography
  6. Cf.: Wittgenstein, from a New Point of View (Peter Lang, Frankfurt a. M., 2003); Phenomenology as Grammar (Ontos Verlag, Frankfurt a.M., 2008); Philosophical Anthropology. Wittgenstein’s Perspectives (Ontos Verlag, Frankfurt a.M., Paris, Lancaster, New Brunswick, 2010); Wittgenstein: Issues and Debates (Ontos Verlag, Frankfurt a.M., Paris, Lancaster, New Brunswick, 2010); Forms of Life and Language Games (Ontos Verlag, Frankfurt a. M. 2011); Doubtful Certainties. Language-Games, Forms of Life, Relativism (Ontos Verlag, Frankfurt a. M., 2012)
  7. Cf.: Wittgenstein y el Círculo de Viena / Wittgenstein und der Wiener Kreis (Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Cuenca, 1998); El laberinto del lenguaje (Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Cuenca) 2007; Wittgenstein I. Lecturas Tractarianas (Plaza y Valdés, Madrid, 2009); Antropología filosófica de Wittgenstein. Reflexionando con P.M.S. Hacker (Plaza y Valdés, Madrid, 2011); Yo, Máscara y reflexión. Estudios sobre la autorreferencia de la subjetividad (Plaza y Valdés, Madrid, México D.F., 2012); Formas de vida y juegos del lenguaje (Plaza y Valdés, Madrid, México D.F., 2013); Hacia la representación perspicua. Wittgenstein 2 (Tirant Humanidades, Valencia, 2014)
  8. Jan Woleński, Referenz und Theorie der möglichen Welten. Darstellung und Kritik der logisch semantischen Theorie in der Sprachanalytischen Philosophie, Reports on Philosophy, Nr. 14 1991, pp. 154-156.
  9. Cf. Gödels Vorschlag innerhalb der selbstbezüglichen Sätze (Grazer Philosophische Studien. 47, 1994, 43-57); La refutación de la metalógica descriptiva a la concepción aritmética de la metalógica (Arbor, CLV, 612, 1996, 79-98); Rudolf Carnap contra Kurt Gödel: Die Kritik Carnaps von 1931 am Projekt Gödels (Bausteine wissenschaftlicher Weltauffassung. Springer. Viena, 1997, pp. 125-139); Wittgenstein’s Criticism against Gödel’s Project of Metalogic (Wittgenstein: Issues and Debates. Ontos Verlag, Frankfurt a.M., Paris, Lancaster, New Brunswick, 2010, pp. 127-148)
  10. Reviewed by Sally Ann Ness and Erich H. Reck, University of California at Riverside: Jesús Padilla Gálvez (ed.), Philosophical Anthropology: Wittgenstein’s Perspective, Ontos, 2010, 180pp., Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, an electronic Journal, 2011.08.25, pp. 1-7. .
  11. Reviewed by Oskari Kuusela, University of East Anglia. Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews. An electronic Journal, 2012.01.23.
  12. Jorge Alfredo Roetti, Referenz und Theorie der möglichen Welten. Darstellung und Kritik der logisch semantischen Theorie in der Sprachanalytischen Philosophie. En: Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía, 1994, pp. 371-373.
  13. Cecilia B. Beristain, English Review from Wittgenstein I. Lecturas Tractarianas, Dókos, Vol. 7-8, 2011, pp. 136-141.

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