Jenkins Committee on Company Law

The Jenkins Committee on Company Law was a Company Law Committee, chaired by Lord Jenkins and formed under the tenure of John Rodgers (Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade). It was formed in November 1959 with terms of reference To review and report upon the provisions and workings of: the Companies Act 1948; the Prevention of Fraud (Investments) Act 1958 and Registration of Business Names Act 1916 [1]

Aspects covered included takeovers; the duties of directors and the rights of shareholders[1]

In January 1960 the committee invited comment on a range of subjects including: Incorporation of Companies and Memoranda of Association.[1]

It reported in 1962.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Times, 19 January 1960; pg 19 col D; Jenkins Committee On Company Law Call For Evidence