Jeff Bradstreet

James Jeffrey "Jeff" Bradstreet
Residence Melbourne, Florida
Nationality American
Fields Autism therapies
Institutions International Child Development Resource Center
Alma mater University of South Florida, Wilford Hall Medical Center
Children Matthew Bradstreet (born 1994)[1]

James Jeffrey "Jeff" Bradstreet, MD, FAAFP is an American autism researcher and former Christian preacher[2] who runs the International Child Development Resource Center in Melbourne, Florida.

Education and career

Bradstreet has held a Florida medical license since 1984. He obtained his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of South Florida in 1976 in Natural Sciences, where he also went to medical school beginning three years later. His postgraduate research focused on aerospace medicine, and received his training in this field from Wilford Hall Medical Center. He is currently an adjunct professor of child development and neuroscience at the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, Arizona.[3]

Vaccines and autism

Bradstreet has published some controversial autism research, which implicates vaccines in the causation thereof, in the fringe journal Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, which is not indexed by PubMed. This research has concluded that autistic children have a higher body burden of mercury,[4] as well as that three autistic children have measles virus RNA in their cerebrospinal fluid.[5] This research was originally presented to the Institute of Medicine before they published their report concluding that the evidence favors rejection of a relationship between vaccines and autism.[6]

Dr. Bradstreet treated an autistic child named Colten Snyder (who was one of the test cases in the autism omnibus trial) with chelation therapy. This he did in spite of the fact that, according to Denise Vowell, "The April 29, 2000 hair test for mercury demonstrated a low level of mercury in Colten’s hair, but one within the reference range of normal for the laboratory, and one well below the 90th percentile for U.S. children ages six to eight." In addition, Vowell stated, "The more disturbing question is why chelation was performed at all, in view of the normal levels of mercury found in the hair, blood and urine, its apparent lack of efficacy in treating Colten's symptoms, and the adverse side effects it apparently caused."[7] Over an eight-year period, Colten visited Dr. Bradstreet's office 160 times.[8] Stephen Barrett has stated, "It appears to me that Bradstreet decides which of his nonstandard theories to apply and records diagnoses that embody them," and describes Bradstreet's mercury provoked tests as "phony".[7]

His son has autism, which Bradstreet attributes to a reaction he experienced to a vaccine at the age of 15 months.[9]

Alternative autism therapies

In an interview with the Chicago Tribune, Bradstreet defended the use of intravenous immunoglobulin as an autism treatment, saying, "Every kid with autism should have a trial of IVIG if money was not an option and IVIG was abundant."[10] Bradstreet has also published some research regarding the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for autism,[11] some of which has concluded that it is ineffective,[12] as well as a paper arguing that autistic children have an increased vulnerability to oxidative stress.[13] Further treatments Bradstreet frequently uses on autistic children include Gc-MAF, which he claims to have treated 600 children with.[14] In an article in Autism Science Digest, Bradstreet endorsed stem cell therapy as an autism treatment, writing, "By natural design, the purpose of stem cells in the brain is regulation, healing, and repair. Biologically, therefore, stem cells appear to be better suited to heal the brain than any other current therapy. No matter how challenging the task of repairing the brain may appear to be, case reports have built an argument for supporting the reversibility of autism using immunological interventions."[15]

Selected Publications


  1. Allison, Wes (14 May 2000). "Secretin: miracle drug or a quack remedy?". St. Petersburg Times. Retrieved 19 September 2013.
  2. Allen, Arthur (1 April 2009). "Treating Autism as if Vaccines Caused It". Slate. Retrieved 25 August 2013.
  3. Jeff Bradstreet Curriculum Vitae
  4. Bradstreet, Jeff (Summer 2003). "A Case-Control Study of Mercury Burden in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders" (PDF). Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons 8 (3): 76–79.
  5. Bradstreet, JJ; Dahr, JE (2004). "Detection of Measles Virus Genomic RNA in Cerebrospinal Fluid of Three Children with Regressive Autism: a Report of Three Cases" (PDF). Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons (Association of American Physicians and Surgeons) 9 (2): 38–45. Retrieved 26 August 2013.
  6. Immunization Safety Review. Institute of Medicine. 2004. p. 182.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Barrett, Stephen (15 March 2009). ""Autism Specialist" Blasted by Omnibus Special Master". Quackwatch. Retrieved 24 August 2013.
  8. Offit, Paul (2011). Deadly Choices. Basic Books. p. 102. Retrieved 28 August 2013.
  9. Olmsted, Dan (28 June 2005). "The Age of Autism: Homeschooled". UPI. Retrieved 25 November 2014.
  10. Tsouderos, Trine; Callahan, Patricia (23 November 2009). "Autism treatment: Science hijacked to support alternative therapies". Chicago Tribune. p. 2. Retrieved 25 August 2013.
  11. Rossignol, D. A.; Bradstreet, J. J.; Van Dyke, K.; Schneider, C.; Freedenfeld, S. H.; O'Hara, N.; Cave, S.; Buckley, J. A.; Mumper, E. A.; Frye, R. E. (2012). "Hyperbaric oxygen treatment in autism spectrum disorders". Medical Gas Research 2 (1): 16. doi:10.1186/2045-9912-2-16. PMC 3472266. PMID 22703610.
  12. Granpeesheh, D.; Tarbox, J.; Dixon, D. R.; Wilke, A. E.; Allen, M. S.; Bradstreet, J. J. (2010). "Randomized trial of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for children with autism". Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 4 (2): 268. doi:10.1016/j.rasd.2009.09.014.
  13. James, S. J.; Melnyk, S.; Jernigan, S.; Cleves, M. A.; Halsted, C. H.; Wong, D. H.; Cutler, P.; Bock, K.; Boris, M.; Bradstreet, J. J.; Baker, S. M.; Gaylor, D. W. (2006). "Metabolic endophenotype and related genotypes are associated with oxidative stress in children with autism". American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics 141B (8): 947. doi:10.1002/ajmg.b.30366.
  14. "GcMAF – the beginning of the end for autism". PRWeb. 8 September 2012. Retrieved 26 August 2013.
  15. "Stem cells and autism: one year later" (PDF). Autism Science Digest. Autism One. Retrieved 25 August 2013.

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