Jean-Noël Pancrazi

Jean-Noël Pancrazi (born 28 April 1949) is a French writer. Born in Setif, Algeria of Corsican descent, his family moved to France in 1962 when Jean-Noël was still a boy. They settled first in Perpignan and then in Paris.


Author of a dozen books, he has won numerous literary prizes including the Prix Médicis, for the novel Les quartiers d'hiver,[1] Prix Valery-Larbaud, Prix Maurice Genevoix, Prix Albert-Camus, Prix du Livre Inter, Prix Jean Freustié and the Grand prix du roman de l'Académie française, for the novel Tout est passé si vite.[2] Most recently he won the Prix Marcel Pagnol and Prix Méditerranée for his novel La Montagne.[3]

He has also published a book called Corse on his native island in collaboration with the photographer Raymond Depardon. He sits on the jury board of the Prix Renaudot.


  1. "Les quartiers d’hiver". EVENE. Retrieved 9 August 2013.
  2. "Grand Prix du Roman". Académie française. Retrieved 9 August 2013.
  3. Le Figaro