Jarir ibn Abdullah Al Bajali

Jarir ibn Abdullah Al Bajali ( (جرير بن عبد الله بن جابر البجلي was a companion of Muhammad (ṣaḥābī). He came to Muhammad with 150 men to submit to Islam.

Demolition of Dhul Khalasa

Dhul Khalasa was known as the southern Ka’ba, to rival the Ka’ba at Mecca, so Muhammad ordered its demolition. Jarir ibn Abdullah al-Bajali was sent to demolish it. The Temple of Dhul Khalasa resided at Tabala, and was worshipped by the Bajila and Khatham tribes.

Muhammad sent 500 horsemen (or 150 according to Sahih al-Bukhari) to Dhul Khalasa to destroy the “Yemenite Ka’ba”.

Hisham Ibn Al-Kalbi mentions when Jarir ibn Abdullah proceeded to Dhul Khalasa, he was met with resistance. The Muslims led by him, fought and killed 100 men “of the Bahilah, its custodians, and many of the Khath'am” and another 200 men of the “Banu-Qubafah” tribes. He then demolished the building and set it on fire.

Hadith about him and narrated by him

Narrated: Jarir bin Abdullah Al Bajali From Sunan Ibn Majah Found in: The Book of the Sunnah Hadith no: 159 Narrated: Jarir bin Abdullah Al Bajali “The Messenger of Allah never refused to see me from the time I became Muslim, and whenever he saw me he would smile at me. I complained to him that I could not sit firmly on a horse, so he struck me on the chest with his hand and said: 'O Allah, make him firm and cause him to guide others and be rightly-guided.'” (Sahih)[1]

Sahih Muslim رحمه الله Hadith - 492 Narrated Jarir ibn Abdullah al-Bajali There came people from among the Bedouins to the Messenger of Allah and said: Collectors of Sadaqah come to us and treat us unjustly. Upon this the Messenger of Allah said: Please your collectors. Jarir said: Ever since I heard it from the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم no collector had departed but was pleased with me. Source: Sahih Muslim Hadith[2]

Riyad as-Salihin (The Meadows of the Righteous) by Imam Nawawi 345. Anas ibn Malik said, "I went out with Jarir ibn 'Abdullah al-Bajali on a journey and he tried to serve me so I said to him, 'Do not do that.' He said, 'I saw the Ansar do something for the Messenger of Allah and I promised myself that I would not keep the company of any of them without serving him.'" [Agreed upon][3]

Narrated by Jarir ibn 'Abdullah al-Bajali , he said, "I gave the pledge of allegiance to Allah's Messenger to offer the Salat (prayers) perfectly, and to give Zakat, and to give good advice to every Muslim." [Related by Bukhari] رحمه الله [4]

Narrated by Jarir (ibn 'Abdullah) , he said, "We were with Messenger of Allah in the early hours of the morning, when there came to him some people (who) were (almost) naked, barefooted, wearing striped woollen clothes, with swords hanging down.Most of them from (the tribe of) Mudar,if not all of them, were of Mudar. The face of the Messenger of Allah changed when he saw them in poverty. He then entered (his house and then came out and then ordered Bilal (to pronounce the Adhan). He pronounced the Adhan and Iqimah, he then prayed (the Salah) and then addressed (the people). He said, "O mankind! Have Taqwa of your Lord, Who created you from a single person... To the end of the Ayah...Verily, Allah is Ever ar-Raqeeb (All-Watcher) over you."(He then recited) the Ayah in Surah al-Hashr,.."Have Taqwa of Allah. And let every person look to what he has sent forth for the morrow..." A man gave in Sadaqah from his Dinaar (gold coins), (others), from their dirham (silver coins), (others) from their clothes, others a Saa' of wheat, others a Saa' of dates, till he the Prophet said, even if it be half a date. (Jarir) said, Then a person came from among the Ansar with him a bag of money which his hands could scarcely lift, in fact, they could not (lift it). (Jarir) said, then the people followed (suit) continuously, till I saw two heaps of eatables and clothes, till I saw the face of the glistening, like gold (on account of joy). Then the Messenger of Allah said, 'Whoever starts a good precedent in Islam, there is a reward for him for this (act of goodness) and also a reward like that of those who followed him, without it detracting in the least from their reward. And whoever starts a bad precedent in Islam, there is upon him the burden the like of it, and the burden of him who also acted upon it, without it detracting in the least from their burden.' " [Related by Muslim, an-Nasa'i, ibn-Majah, at-Tirmidhi] Saa'; equivalent to 2.4 kilograms Dinaar; Islamic pure Gold coins Dirham; Islamic pure Silver coins[5]


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