Jansen's linkage

The Jansen's linkage. When the short red line at the left end of the black line is driven in a rotary motion around the end of the black line, the leg (vertical red line at the bottom) executes a walking motion.
Jansens' Strandbeest
Theo Jansen's kinetic sculpture Strandbeest. A wind-driven walking machine.

The Jansen's linkage is a leg mechanism designed by the kinetic sculptor Theo Jansen to simulate a smooth walking motion. Jansen has used his mechanism in a variety of kinetic sculptures which are known as Strandbeests. Jansen's linkage bears artistic as well as mechanical merit for its ingenious simulation of walking motion using a simple rotary input.


See also

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Jansen's linkage.

Leg mechanism Klann linkage

External links