Janko group J3

For general background and history of the Janko sporadic groups, see Janko group.

In the area of modern algebra known as group theory, the Janko group J3 is a sporadic simple group of order

   27 · 35 · 5 · 17 · 19 = 50232960
≈ 5×107.

History and properties

J3 is one of the 26 Sporadic groups and is also called the Higman-Janko-McKay group or HJM. In 1969 Zvonimir Janko predicted J3 as one of two new simple groups having having 21+4:A5 as a centralizer of an involution (the other is the Janko group J2). It was shown to exist by Graham Higman and John McKay (1969).

J3 is one of the 6 sporadic simple groups called the pariahs because (Griess 1982) showed that it is not a subquotient of the monster group.

J3 has an outer automorphism group of order 2 and a Schur multiplier of order 3, and its triple cover has a unitary 9-dimensional representation over the finite field with 4 elements. Weiss (1982) constructed it via an underlying geometry. It has a modular representation of dimension eighteen over the finite field with 9 elements.


In terms of generators a, b, c, and d its automorphism group J3:2 can be presented as a^{17} = b^8 = a^ba^{-2} = c^2 = b^cb^3 = (abc)^4 = (ac)^{17} = d^2 = [d, a] = [d, b] = (a^3b^{-3}cd)^5 = 1.

A presentation for J3 in terms of (different) generators a, b, c, d is a^{19} = b^9 = a^ba^2 = c^2 = d^2 = (bc)^2 = (bd)^2 = (ac)^3 = (ad)^3 = (a^2ca^{-3}d)^3 = 1.

Maximal subgroups

Finkelstein & Rudvalis (1974) showed that J3 has 9 conjugacy classes of maximal subgroups:


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