Jan T. Gross

Jan Tomasz Gross (born in 1947) is a Polish-born American historian and sociologist. He is the Norman B. Tomlinson '16 and '48 Professor of War and Society and Professor of History at Princeton University.


Jan T. Gross was born in Warsaw, Poland, in 1947 to Hanna Szumańska, who was a member of the Polish resistance (Armia Krajowa),[1] and Zygmunt Gross, who was a PPS member. His father is Jewish and his mother is Catholic.[2] His mother, risking her own life, helped his father to survive the German Nazi occupation of Poland. They married after the war. Jan Tomasz Gross studied physics at the Warsaw University.

He was among the young dissidents called Komandosi, and consequently among the university students involved in the protest movement known as the "March Events," the Polish student and intellectual protests of 1968. Gross was expelled from the university, arrested and jailed for five months. As a consequence, and because the Polish government permitted the emigration of "people of Jewish origin" at that time, he emigrated with his parents to the United States in 1969.[3] In 1975 he earned a Ph.D. in sociology from Yale University, and has taught at Yale, NYU, and Paris. He acquired U.S. citizenship and currently teaches history at Princeton University.

Gross was awarded the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland in 1996,[4] an award granted to foreigners for their exceptional role in cooperation between Poland and other nations. He was also a Senior Fulbright Research, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial, and Rockefeller Humanities Fellow.

Neighbors: The Destruction of the Jewish Community in Jedwabne, Poland

The photograph originally published in 2008 in a feature entitled Gorączka złota w Treblince[5] (Gold rush in Treblinka) by Marcin Kowalski and Piotr Głuchowski, „Duży Format” journalists of „Gazeta”. They got it from Tadeusz Kiryluk, the former director of the Jewish Martyrdom Museum in Treblinka. According to him, the photo depicts so-called "diggers" caught red-handed by the militia. "Diggers" were local people who looked for gold buried together with the remains of Jewish victims murdered by the Germans in KL Treblinka and its vicinity. This photo inspired Jan T. Gross to write his book "Golden Harvest" (published 2011). It is also a subject[6] of debate on whether it really depicts "grave robbers".

Gross came to public attention on the occasion of his several publications. Then he was in the center of a controversy due to the publication of his 2001 book on the Jedwabne massacre, Neighbors: The Destruction of the Jewish Community in Jedwabne, Poland, which examined a massacre of the Polish Jews in Jedwabne village in German-occupied Poland. In his book Gross writes that the massacre was perpetrated by Poles and not by the German occupiers, as previously assumed. The claims were the subject of vigorous debate in Poland. Norman Finkelstein accused Gross of exploiting the Holocaust.[7] Norman Davies describes "Neighbors" as "deeply unfair to Poles".[8] A subsequent investigation conducted by the Polish Institute of National Remembrance did not support Gross' thesis on issues such as the number of people murdered,[9] and the extent of Nazi German involvement in the massacre.

Gross' Fear - Anti-Semitism in Poland after Auschwitz, which deals with antisemitism and violence against Jews in post-war Poland was published in the United States in 2006 and had received praise in the United States; its Polish version, published in 2008, got mixed media reception restarting a nationwide debate about antisemitism in Poland during World War II and after.[10] The book has been welcomed by some Polish historians and criticized by others who do not deny the facts Jan Gross presented in his book, but dispute his interpretation.[11][12] Marek Edelman, one of the leaders of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising said in an interview with the Gazeta Wyborcza daily, "Postwar violence against Jews in Poland was mostly not about anti-Semitism, murdering Jews was pure banditry."[13]

Gross' Neighbors and Fear were subjected to scholarly criticism by historian Marek Jan Chodakiewicz, whose interpretations directly challenged Gross.[14]

Gross' latest book, Złote żniwa (Golden Harvest), co-written with his wife Irena Grudzińska-Gross and published in March 2011, about Poles enriching themselves at the expense of Jews murdered in the Holocaust,[15] has also attracted criticism that it only shows one side of a complex issue.[16] The Chief Rabbi of Poland, Michael Schudrich, commented: "Gross writes in a way to provoke, not to educate, and Poles don't react well to it. Because of the style, too many people reject what he has to say."[15]

The head of Znak, the book's publisher, stated: "It does not purport to provide a comprehensive overview of Polish rural communities' actions... The authors focus on the most horrid events, on robberies and killings. Those who say the book is anti-Polish make no sense."[16]

Gross's academic critics have argued that Golden Harvest is based on a one-sided interpretation of its sources, the vast majority of them secondary ones. Further, they have taken issue with what they consider a grossly unfair portrayal of marginal wartime social pathologies as an all-national Polish norm. They also see his interpretation of Polish history as "neo-Stalinist" due to its resemblance to postwar Stalinist propaganda alleging mass Polish collaboration and collusion with Nazi Germany, a claim used to justify the Soviet occupation of Poland.[17]

Neighbors and its surrounding controversy served as inspiration for Władysław Pasikowski's 2012 film Aftermath (Pokłosie), which he wrote and directed.[18] Pasikowski said, "The film isn’t an adaptation of the book, which is documented and factual, but the film did grow out of it, since it was the source of my knowledge and shame."[19]



See also


  1. Piotr Zychowicz, Oko w oko z tłuszczą, Rzeczpospolita, January 26, 2008 (Polish)
  2. http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v20/v20n3p41_Gross.html
  3. "Norman B. Tomlinson '16 and '48 Professor of War and Society. Professor of History". Princeton University History Department. Retrieved 2013-06-27.
  4. "Bucerius Institute for Research of Contemporary German History and Society, University of Haifa, Israel". Bucerius.haifa.ac.il. 2001-03-12. Retrieved 2013-06-27.
  5. http://wyborcza.pl/1,76842,4811664.html
  6. http://www.wpolityce.pl/view/6394/Kolejne_watpliwosci_co_do_rzetelnosci_Grossa__Czy_z_ludzi_porzadkujacych_groby_ofiar_zrobil_haniebnych__kopaczy__.html
  7. Source: Davies: "Strach" to nie analiza, lecz publicystyka, Gazeta Wyborcza, January 21, 2008 (Polish)
  8. Postanowienie o umorzeniu śledztwa IPN, June 30, 2003 (Polish)
  9. Craig Whitlock, A Scholar's Legal Peril in Poland, Washington Post Foreign Service, Friday, January 18, 2008; Page A14
  10. Marek Jan Chodakiewicz: People’s past has to be reviewed critically on individual basis, Rzeczpospolita, January 11, 2008 (English)
  11. Piotr Gontarczyk, Far From Truth, Rzeczpospolita, January 12, 2008 (English)
  12. Ryan Lucas (January 24, 2008). "Book on Polish anti-Semitism sparks fury". USA Today.
  13. Marek Jan Chodakiewicz, "The Massacre in Jedwabne: July 10, 1941: Before, During, and After" (Boulder, CO: East European Monographs, 2005) ISBN 0-88033-554-8; Marek Jan Chodakiewicz, "After the Holocaust: Polish-Jewish Conflict in the Wake of World War II" (Boulder, CO: East European Monographs, 2003) ISBN 0-88033-511-4
  14. 15.0 15.1 Jeevan Vasagar; Julian Borger (7 Apr 2011). "A Jewish renaissance in Poland". The Guardian. Retrieved 13 June 2011.
  15. 16.0 16.1 Wojciech Zurawski (8 February 2011). "Book on Polish Jews' WWII ordeal touches raw nerve". Reuters. Retrieved 13 June 2011.
  16. Marek Jan Chodakiewicz, Wojciech Jerzy Muszynski, and Pawel Styrna, eds., Golden Harvest or Hearts of Gold? Studies on the Fate of Wartime Poles and Jews (Washington, DC: Leopolis Press, 2012), ISBN 0-9824888-1-5
  17. "In the Polish Aftermath". Tablet Magazine. 17 April 2013.
  18. "The Past Can Hold a Horrible Power". The New York Times. 25 October 213. Check date values in: |date= (help)

Further reading

External links