Jan Rose Kasmir

The iconic image of Kasmir, October 21, 1967

Jan Rose Kasmir (born in 1950) is a former American high-school student who became known due to an iconic anti-war photograph taken by French photographer Marc Riboud.[1] Kasmir was photographed on 21 October 1967 while taking part with several thousand anti-war activists who had marched to The Pentagon to protest against America’s involvement in Vietnam. Seventeen-year-old Kasmir was shown clasping a daisy and gazing at bayonet-wielding soldiers. The photo was published world-wide and became a symbol of the flower power movement. Smithsonian Magazine later called it "a gauzy juxtaposition of armed force and flower child innocence".[2]

A similar image was taken the same day, by Bernie Boston, entitled Flower Power.

In London in February 2003, Riboud again photographed Kasmir protesting against the Iraq War where she carried a poster-size copy of the 1967 photograph.[2]

Kasmir became a massage therapist in 1986, in Manhasset New York, at the New York College of Health Professionals. In 1991 her daughter, Lisa Ann Kasmir was born. Jan closed down her practice, and dedicated herself to mothering her daughter full-time. She moved to Aarhus, Denmark, with her Danish husband and her daughter.[2] She returned with her daughter to the United States in 2004, and resumed living on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. Currently, she is working on her autobiography with author, Ken Scott, whose best known book is Do The Birds Still Sing in Hell. Kasmir is aspiring to return to school to become a Rabbi and head up her social organization, Mensches in the Trenches, dedicated to promoting service to the community.

See also

Flower Power (photograph)


  1. 1967 Marc Riboud, Magnum Photos
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Curry, Andrew (April 2004). "Flower Child". Smithsonian Magazine.

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