Jan Müller-Wieland

Jan Müller-Wieland (born 30 March 1966 in Hamburg) is a German composer and conductor of classical music and an academic teacher. He is known for his operas.

Professional career

Jan Müller-Wieland studied at the Musikhochschule Lübeck, composition with Friedhelm Döhl, double bass with Willi Beyer and conducting with Günther Behrens. He studied composition with Hans Werner Henze in Cologne and Rome, and Oliver Knussen in the Tanglewood Music Center.

Müller-Wieland was a Stipendiat of the Villa Massimo in 1992/93.[1] He was awarded the Paul Hindemith Prize of the Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival in 1993 and the Ernst von Siemens Music Composers' Prize in 2002.[2] Since 2003 he is a member of the Freie Akademie der Künste in Hamburg.[3]

Müller-Wieland has been a Professor for composition at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater München since 2007.

Müller-Wieland is a member of the festival A*Devantgarde.

He is married to the Austrian author Birgit Müller-Wieland.


As of 2011, Müller-Wieland composed 14 operas. His first opera Das Gastspiel, subtitled "Cabaret Farce for singers, pianists and percussionists", a chamber opera after Frank Wedekind's Posse (farce) Der Kammersänger, was premiered at the Munich Biennale in 1992.[4] The libretto of his opera Das Märchen der 672. Nacht (The Fairy tale of the 672nd Night) was written by his wife Birgit Müller-Wieland after a novella by Hugo von Hofmannsthal;[5] the opera was first performed in 2000 at the Wiener Kammeroper conducted by Alexander Drcar.[6] In 2008 his opera Aventure Faust, related to Goethe's Faust, was premiered in the Reaktorhalle in Munich München, combined with György Ligeti's "Nouvelles Aventures" for three singers and seven instrumentalist.[7]

Chamber music premieres

His third piano trio Se solen sjunker on a Swedish song which Schubert also used was premiered on 29 June 2008 as part of the Piano Festival Ruhr at the Zeche Nordstern in Gelsenkirchen, performed by Siegfried Mauser (piano), Gottfried Schneider (violin) and Sebastian Hess (violoncello).[8] His composition for chamber ensemble Traumbilder was commissioned by RUHR.2010, the project of the European Culture Capital, and first performed on 19 May 2010 in the Reinoldikirche Dortmund.[9]

Selected works

Stage works

Premiere Title Description Libretto and source
1992042929 Apr 1992, Munich Biennale GastspielDas Gastspiel Chamber opera in one act, 55' the composer, after the farce Der Kammersänger (1899) by Frank Wedekind
1992091212 Sep 1992, Opera stabile, Hamburgische Staatsoper Kain Chamber opera in four scenes, 60' after the Old Testament
1999022727 Feb 1999, Staatstheater Darmstadt VersicherungDie Versicherung Dream in two parts the composer, after an earlier drama by Peter Weiss
1996122020 Dec 1996, Darmstadt NachtigallDie Nachtigall und die Rose Chamber opera in one act, 75' Hannelore Neves, after Oscar Wilde
1998-04-2525 Apr 1998, Munich Biennale Komödie ohne Titel Opera, 90' the composer, after the drama Comedia sin título by Federico García Lorca
2000012929 Jan 2000, Wiener Kammeroper MarchenDas Märchen der 672. Nacht Opera in six pictures, 75' Birgit Müller-Wieland, after a novella by Hugo von Hofmannsthal
2001100606 Oct 2001, Theater Görlitz Nathans Tod Opera in two acts after Gotthold Ephraim Lessing and the play by George Tabori
2003111515 Nov 2003, Bühnen der Stadt Köln ChinesischeDie chinesische Wäscherei Kurzoper, 7' Elke Heidenreich
2005093030 Sep 2005, Theater Bonn IrreDie Irre oder Nächtlicher Fischfang Musiktheater in one act Micaela von Marcard
2006040707 Apr 2006, Oper Köln HeldDer Held der westlichen Welt Komische Oper, in 3 acts, 105' the composer, after the German translation by Annemarie and Heinrich Böll of The Playboy of the Western World by John Millington Synge
2008112121 Nov 2008, Reaktorhalle, München Aventure Faust Three dream sequences, 40' Birgit Müller-Wieland, loosely after Faust by Goethe and Deutschland. Ein Wintermärchen by Heine
2009082727 Aug 2009, Neuköllner Oper, Berlin Fanny und Schraube Chamber opera in 3 acts, 60' Kai Ivo Baulitz
2010072828 Jul 2010, Sing- und Musikschule, Regensburg KleineDer kleine Ring Musikalisches Märchen for children and adults, in 2 acts Birgit Müller-Wieland
2011012020 Jan 2011 2009, Neuköllner Oper, Berlin FreischussDer Freischuss Chamber opera in 3 acts, 60' after the opera Der Freischütz by Carl Maria von Weber


Chamber music

Instrumental music


External links