Jamie Peck

Jamie Peck, geographer, 2013

Jamie Peck FAcSS (born July 9, 1962 in Kimberley, Nottinghamshire, UK) is Canada Research Chair in Urban & Regional Political Economy and Professor of Geography at the University of British Columbia, Canada.[1] He is the Managing Editor of Environment and Planning A and the convenor of the Summer Institute in Economic Geography.


The recipient of Guggenheim and Harkness fellowships, he was previously Professor of Geography & Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Professor of Geography at the University of Manchester, and has held visiting positions at Johns Hopkins University, Oxford University, the National University of Singapore, University of the Witwatersrand, the University of Melbourne, the University of Nottingham, the University of Amsterdam, the University of Oslo, and Queen’s University Belfast.

Scholarly Contributions

Jamie Peck’s research interests include the political economy of neoliberalization, policy mobility, economic governance, labor market theory and policy, and urban restructuring. His publications include Constructions of neoliberal reason (2010), Contesting neoliberalism: urban frontiers (2007, coedited with Helga Leitner & Eric Sheppard), Politics and practice in economic geography (2007, coedited with Adam Tickell, Eric Sheppard & Trevor Barnes), Workfare states (2001), Work-place: the social regulation of labor markets (1996), and the Wiley-Blackwell companion to economic geography (2012, coedited with Trevor Barnes & Eric Sheppard). His current research is concerned with transnational policy norms, metropolitan governance, and contingent labor.


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