James Cordy

James Cordy
Born James Reginald Cordy
January 2, 1950
Citizenship Canada
Fields Computer Science
Institutions University of Toronto
Queen's University
Alma mater Victoria College
University of Toronto
Doctoral advisor Richard C. Holt
Doctoral students Thomas R. Dean, Medha Shukla Sarkar, Kevin A. Schneider, Dean Jin, Richard Zanibbi, Nadzeya Kiyavitskaya, Jeremy Bradbury, Adrian Thurston, Chanchal K. Roy, Manar Alalfi, Scott Grant, Asil Almonaies, Matthew Stephan
Known for Turing, TXL, S/SL, NICAD clone detector
Notable awards ACM Distinguished Scientist (2008)
IBM CAS Faculty Fellow of the Year (2008, 2013)

James Reginald Cordy (born January 2, 1950) is a Canadian computer scientist and educator who is a Professor in the School of Computing at Queen's University. As a researcher he is currently active in the fields of source code analysis and manipulation, software reverse and re-engineering, and pattern analysis and machine intelligence. He has a long record of previous work in programming languages, compiler technology, and software architecture.

He is currently best known for his work on the TXL source transformation language,[1] a parser-based framework and functional programming language designed to support software analysis and transformation tasks originally developed with M.Sc. student Charles Halpern-Hamu in 1985 as a tool for experimenting with programming language design.[2] His recent work on the NICAD clone detector[3] with Ph.D. student Chanchal Roy, the Recognition Strategy Language[4] with Ph.D. student Richard Zanibbi and Dorothea Blostein, and the Cerno[5] lightweight natural language understanding system with John Mylopoulos and others at the University of Trento is based on TXL.

The 1995 paper A Syntactic Theory of Software Architecture[6] with Ph.D. student Thomas R. Dean has been widely cited as a seminal work in the area, and led to his work with Thomas R. Dean, Kevin A. Schneider and Andrew J. Malton on legacy systems analysis.[7]

Work in programming languages included the design of Concurrent Euclid[8] (1980) and Turing[9][10] (1983), with R.C. Holt, and the implementation of the Euclid[11] (1978) and SP/k[12] (1974) languages with R.C. Holt, D.B. Wortman, D.T. Barnard and others. As part of these projects he developed the S/SL compiler technology[13] with R.C. Holt and D.B. Wortman based on his M.Sc. thesis work[14] and the orthogonal code generation method based on his Ph.D. thesis work.[15]

He has co-authored or co-edited the books The Turing Programming Language: Design and Definition[16] (1988), Introduction to Compiler Construction Using S/SL[17] (1986), The Smart Internet[18] (2010), and The Personal Web[19] (2013).

From 2002 to 2007 he was the Director of the Queen's School of Computing. In 2008 he was elected a Distinguished Scientist of the Association for Computing Machinery.[20]


  1. J.R. Cordy, "The TXL Source Transformation Language", Science of Computer Programming 61,3 (August 2006), pp. 190-210
  2. J.R. Cordy, C.D. Halpern and E. Promislow, TXL: A Rapid Prototyping System for Programming Language Dialects, Computer Languages 16,1 (January 1991), pp. 97-107
  3. C.K. Roy and J.R. Cordy, NICAD: Accurate Detection of Near-miss Clones Using Flexible Pretty-printing and Code Normalization, Proc. ICPC 2008, IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension, Amsterdam, June 2008, pp. 172-181
  4. R. Zanibbi, D. Blostein and J.R. Cordy, "The Recognition Strategy Language", Proc. ICDAR 2005 - IAPR 8th Intl. Conf. on Document Analysis and Recognition, Seoul, Korea, August 2005, pp. 565-569
  5. N. Kiyavitskaya, N. Zeni, J.R. Cordy ,L. Mich and J. Mylopoulos, Cerno: Light-Weight Tool Support for Semantic Annotation of Textual Documents, Data & Knowledge Engineering 68,12 (Dec. 2009), pp. 1470-1492
  6. T.R. Dean and J.R. Cordy, "A Syntactic Theory of Software Architecture", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 21,4 (January 1995), pp. 302-313.
  7. T.R. Dean, J.R. Cordy, K.A. Schneider and A.J. Malton, "Experience Using Design Recovery Techniques to Transform Legacy Systems", Proc. ICSM 2001 - IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, Florence, Nov. 2001, pp. 622-631
  8. J.R. Cordy and R.C. Holt, The Concurrent Euclid Report, Technical Reports CSRI-115 and CSRI-133, Computer Systems Research Institute, University of Toronto, July 1980
  9. R.C. Holt and J.R. Cordy, "The Turing Language Report”, Technical Report CSRI-153, Computer Systems Research Institute, University of Toronto, December 1983
  10. R.C. Holt and J.R. Cordy, The Turing Programming Language, Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery 31,12 (December 1988), pp. 1410-1423
  11. D.B. Wortman and J.R. Cordy, Early Experiences with Euclid, Proc. ICSE-5, IEEE 5th International Conference on Software Engineering, San Diego, March 1981, pp. 27-32
  12. R.C. Holt, D.B. Wortman, D.T. Barnard and J.R. Cordy, "SP/k: A System for Teaching Computer Programming”, Comm. of the Association for Computing Machinery 20,5 (May 1977), pp. 301-309.
  13. R.C. Holt, J.R. Cordy and D.B. Wortman, An Introduction to S/SL: Syntax/Semantic Language, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems 4,2 (April 1982), pp. 149-178
  14. J.R. Cordy, R.C. Holt and D.B. Wortman, Semantic Charts: A Diagrammatic Approach to Semantic Processing, Proc. ACM 1979 SIGPLAN Symposium on Compiler Construction, ACM SIGPLAN Notices Vol. 14, No. 8, August 1979, pp. 39-49
  15. J.R. Cordy and R.C. Holt, "Code Generation Using an Orthogonal Model”, Software-Practice and Experience 20,3 (March 1990), pp. 301-320
  16. R.C. Holt, P.A. Matthews, J.A. Rosselet and J.R. Cordy, The Turing Programming Language: Design and Definition, Prentice-Hall, 1988
  17. J.R. Cordy, Introduction to Compiler Construction Using S/SL : the Syntax/Semantic Language, Queen's University, 1986, (5th edition, August 2006)
  18. M. Chignell, J.R. Cordy, J. Ng and Y. Yesha (eds.), The Smart Internet: Current Research and Future Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6400, Springer Verlag, 2010
  19. M. Chignell, J.R. Cordy, R.Kealey, J. Ng and Y. Yesha (eds.), The Personal Web: A Research Agenda, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7855, Springer Verlag, 2013
  20. http://awards.acm.org/homepage.cfm?alpha=C&srt=alpha&awd=157

External references