
Austrian Jagdkommando

Jagdkommando logo
Active 1962 - Present
Country  Austria
Branch Austrian Army
Type Special Forces
Role Airborne operations
Special Reconnaissance
Unconventional Warfare
Hostage Rescue
Garrison/HQ Wiener Neustadt, Austria
Motto Numquam Retro
(Never retreat)
Engagements KFOR
War in Afghanistan (2001–present)
Oberst dG Horst Hofer

The Jagdkommando (lit. Hunting Command) is the Austrian Armed Forces' Special Operations group.


The duties of this elite unit match those of its foreign counterparts, such as the United States Army Special Forces, being amongst others Counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency. Jagdkommando soldiers are highly trained professionals whose thorough and rigorous training enables them to take over when tasks or situations outgrow the capabilities and specialisation of conventional units.


The name “Jagdkommando” has its origins in the time of World War I, when small assault squads of the Austrian K.u.K. Army were called what translates to “manhunt command.”

The history of the Austrian Special Operations Forces began in 1961, when a group of Austrian officers participated in the US Army's Ranger School as part of their training in order to set up a similar course for the eventual establishment of Jagdkommando. Since then, the officers and soldiers of Jagdkommando continued to evolve by taking part in similar courses in the United States and all over Europe and by combining the lessons learned with "homegrown" tactics and knowledge. The unit has earned the respect by other nations special forces very quickly. The headquarters of the Jagdkommando is located in Wiener Neustadt.

Most of the missions are classified, but the Jagdkommando usually operates in places, where regular Austrian troops are also located - like in the Balkans (KFOR, etc.), Afghanistan (ISAF, until 2005) and Chad (EUFOR Tchad/RCA, since 2008). In the east of Chad about 50 Jagdkommando soldiers will protect refugee camps next the border to Darfur from early 2008 on.[1]

Current structure

Selection and training

Jagdkommando airborne operations.

Selection is usually held once a year and has a duration of 6 months. The program normally begins in January with 3 weeks of pre-selection. During this time the candidate will take the physical tests required, receive additional training and a undergo a 72 hour Field Exercise, which is the core event of the selection process.

Most candidates will fail during the 72 hour exercise which includes long road marches in squad size elements, psychological test batteries, and total sleep deprivation. The pre-selection course is conducted by active operators as well as by enablers of the unit.

Normally 20-25% of all candidates will pass the pre selection course and continue with the so called Jagdkommandogrundkurs, the basic course of selection. The first few weeks are held in the remote area of Allentsteig, a giant military training area in close proximity to the Czech border. The first seven weeks of small unit tactics are overshadowed with plenty of snow, freezing weather, very small amounts of sleep and permanent pysical performance. Candidates will get used to the heavy Lowe Rucksack and spend most of their day with it on their backs while conducting patrols, ambushes and raids in the forrests around Allentsteig.

After the small unit tactics phase, which will eliminate the last few unfitting candidates, the basic course will continue with block course of two or three weeks each:


Jagdkommando frogmen.

The final and most infamous course is the SERE training. Over the last few years the SERE training took part in the Alps of Salzburg. The “run phase” will last up to ten days, while the candidate must check in at a given checkpoints every 24 hours. The checkpoints are set 20-30 km apart, considering the mountains in between the points and the tactical need to stay off roads and trails, the candidates will be very busy meeting their time limits and rarely find sleep. Finally after days on the run and being hunted down by infantry units, helicopters and K9 units, the candidates will be ambushed and captured at one of their checkpoints. This marks the beginning of the “captivity phase”. Being the last phase of the selection course this phase will last 72 hours.

After completing the SERE course the remaining soldiers (normally 10-15% of all applicants who started the pre selection course) are accepted into the Jagdkomamndo brotherhood and awarded the “mudd-green” beret with the Unit Crest on it. Most of the graduates will be given a slot as active operators in one of the two Task Groups of the unit, while some go back to their regular Army unit.

Jagdkommando soldiers take extreme pride in their long and unique selection course and the prestige that comes along with earning the green beret inside the armed forces.

If a soldier is chosen to become an operator after selection he will attend the Einsatzausbildung 1, a course where he will refine his operator skills. The training will last up to one year.

Normally it starts off with a five week drivers course, followed by shooting classes. This will be the first time for operators to use the advanced weapon systems Steyr AUG A2 Kdo and the FN P90. After weeks at the shooting range the next courses will be very mountain orientated, like the mountain airborne course, winter warfare and mountaineering courses as well as ski training.

After the mountain courses the individual job training will begin. Depending on the assignment the operator will attend the Weapon Sergeant Course, Medic Course, Communications Sergeant Course or Engineer Course.

The SOF CQB course that follows teaches the latest techniques in HRO, CC, and DDO. Jagdkommando operators train together with several NATO SOF units worldwide and so the used SOPs and tactics are very similar to other SOF units.

Different other courses will complete the Einsatzausbildung 1, such as the Urban SR course, advanced comatives training and Air Assault techniques.

After more than 18 months of training the operator will be assigned a team in the 1st SOTG (Special Operations Task Group) or the 2nd SOTG. The 3rd SOTG belongs to the Army Reserve Component. A typical Jagdkommando team consists of six operators: the Team Leader, Team Sergeant, a Weapons Sergeant/Sniper, Engineer Sergeant , Medic Sergeant and Communication Sergeant. Each team is assigned to one insertion speciality, such as freefall, amphibious, mountain and mobility.


See also

Notes and references

  1. 2007 - Jagdkommando prepares for Tchad Mission
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 (Seite 02) "Das Jagdkommando (Jakdo)" (in German). Retrieved 2009-10-13.
  3. Sünkler, Sören. "Elite und Spezialeinheiten Europas" (in German). Motorbuch, 2008. ISBN 978-3-613-02853-1.

External links