Jacob Linzbach

Jacob Linzbach (21 June 1874 - 30 April 1953) was an Estonian linguist.

Jacob Linzbach was born in Kloostri Parish (now in Padise Parish), Harjumaa and died in Tallinn. The claim has been made for his (1916) Principles of Philosophical Language that it independently advanced some of the claims of Ferdinand de Saussure's Course in General Linguistics,[1] in particular anticipating phonological ideas.[2]

Linzbach - unlike Saussure - also set himself to construct a universal writing system, which he called Transcendental Algebra.[3] Linzbach's system provided a problem topic for the inaugural International Linguistics Olympiad in 2003.[4]



  1. Kull, K., Salupere, S. & Torop, P., Semiotics has no beginning, in Deely, John, ed., Basics of Semiotics. (Tartu Semiotics Library 4.) Tartu: Tartu University Press, 2005, pp.ix-xxv, citing Isaak Revzin, Ревзин, Исаак. О книге Я.Линцбаха «Принципы философского языка. Опыт точного языкознания». Петроград 1916, 226 стр. Труды по знаковым системам [Sign Systems Studies] 2 (1965), pp.339–344.
  2. A.D. Dulichenko, 'Über die Prinzipien einer philosophischen Universalsprache von Jakob Linzbach' [On Jacob Linzbach's principles of a philosophical universal language], Zeitschrift für Semiotik, 22, 369-385.
  3. International Language Review Vol. 11/12 (1964), p.20
  4. First International Olympiad in linguistics (2003)