Jackie Arklöv

Jackie Arklöv

Jackie Arklöv mug-shot
Born 6 June 1973
Occupation Mercenary, criminal
Criminal charge
1993 Crimes against humanity in Bosnia
1999 murder of two police officers in Sweden
Criminal penalty
Life imprisonment
Criminal status Imprisoned at the Kumla High Security Prison

Jackie Banny Arklöv (born 6 June 1973[1]) is a Swedish convicted criminal. Arklöv is an ex-neo-Nazi and Yugoslav wars mercenary,[2] who, with two other neo-Nazis, murdered two police officers during a botched robbery in 1999.

Early life

Arklöv was born in Liberia; his mother was black and his father was white. At the age of three he was adopted by a couple from Sweden. In his teens he developed a strong interest in Nazism and World War II.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Arklöv participated voluntarily in the war in Yugoslavia in the 1990s, as a mercenary on the Croatian side when he was 19 years old. He was accused of war crimes, including torturing pregnant Bosniak prisoners in camps in Gabela and Grabovina. After the war he was sentenced to thirteen years in prison by a Bosnian court. The court later changed the sentence to eight years, taking his youth into consideration. He spent one year in a Bosnian prison, but returned to Sweden after an exchange of prisoners organized by the Swedish Red Cross. In Sweden he was taken into custody, but after a while he was acquitted for lack of evidence.

Malexander murders

Main article: Malexander murders

While in custody Arklöv received several letters from another Neo-Nazi, Tony Olsson, who was starting a new neonazi organisation and, impressed by Arklöv's war experience, wanted him to join. Arklöv wrote back, and the two became friends. After being released, Arklöv and Olsson met with the other members of the newly started NRA (Nationalistiska Republikanska Armén, the Nationalistic Republican Army), among them Andreas Axelsson and Mats Nilsson.

This arrangement resulted in a robbery tour of the Swedish province of Östergötland in 1999, which ended on 28 May in Kisa where Arklöv, Axelsson and Nilsson robbed Östgöta Enskilda Bank. Olsson waited outside the bank armed with a Uzi while Arklöv and Axelsson went inside the bank, kicked open a door to the offices and cashregisters and threatened the employees to open the vaults. As the vault was time-locked, the robbers were forced to wait 12 minutes before leaving the bank with a large sum of cash. They got away with over two million SEK, but during their escape a lone policeman, Kennet Eklund, followed them in his car. The robbers spotted him and opened fire, two hand-grenades were thrown in his direction and against his car. Both hand grenades exploded but Eklund got away without any injuries while the robbers continued their escape. About 10 minutes later two policemen, Olle Borén and Robert Karlström, spotted the robbers' vehicle and drove after them in their own police car. Gunfire occurred as both cars had stopped, and the two policemen were gunned down and executed with their own guns.

Arklöv and Olsson fled, but Axelsson had been hit by a bullet and was taken to the hospital by a car flagged down by Arklöv. On 31 May 1999 Arklöv was shot by police in Tyresö, arrested and taken into custody.


During the trial, Arklöv claimed to be completely innocent. He said he had been in Stockholm the entire time and did not take part in any of the robberies or the murders. This time, however, the evidence against him was strong. The police had found his fingerprints on a gun, and his DNA on a mask and in the car. After that he confessed to the robbery in Kisa, but still denied having killed the policemen. All three of the men appear to have been involved, and it could never be proved who was the killer. The court then found them all guilty of murder, since it was clear that they had all been shooting at the two policemen, and they were sentenced to life imprisonment. The sentence was appealed to the Court of Appeal, and Arklöv kept denying he had anything to do with the murders. The Court of Appeal gave the same sentence; life imprisonment for all three.

Crimes against humanity charges

In March 2004, the Dagens Nyheter journalist Maciej Zaremba published an article strongly criticizing the closure of the case, and he also managed to find several witnesses to the war crimes. Later that year the prosecutor decided to re-open the investigation, and in June 2006 it was clear that Arklöv would be prosecuted. His trial opened on 10 November 2006 and the judges made their ruling on 18 December 2006. The court ruled that Arklöv was guilty of wrongful imprisonment, torture and assault of 11 Bosnian Muslim prisoners of war and civilians, ethnic cleansing, looting, and arbitrary detention of people; crimes protected by international law.[3] He was ordered to pay between 70,000 and 425,000 kronor (€7,700–€47,000; US$10,100–US$62,000) to 11 victims.

In prison

On 8 June 2001 Arklöv confessed that he killed the two policemen in Malexander.[4] Olsson and Axelsson moved a petition for a new trial to the Supreme Court, but that court regarded the life sentence as written in such a way that Arklöv's confession would not change anything. The petition was rejected. At the same time Arklöv said he had abandoned his Nazi beliefs and had contacted the Exit group for support. Arklöv is serving his life sentence at the Kumla High Security Prison. He is an artist, and had seven paintings put out on an exhibition for prison art at Långholmen in Stockholm.

In October 2010, Arklöv requested a time-limited imprisonment, but this was denied.[5][6][7]


  1. Jackie Banny ArklЖv. "Ratsit - Gratis upplysning pЕ fЖretag och privatpersoner". Ratsit.se. Retrieved 6 October 2012.
  2. "Jackie Arklöv mötte polisstudenter". Svenska Dagbladet (in Swedish). 4 November 2006. Retrieved 24 September 2007.
  3. "Swedish court convicts defendant of war crimes in Balkans". setimes. 19 December 2006. Retrieved 24 September 2007.
  4. Tweet P O Lindström/TT (2 November 2007). "Bakgrund: Polismorden i Malexander | Inrikes" (in Swedish). Svd.se. Retrieved 6 October 2012.
  5. "Jackie Arklöv kan vara fri om två år". Aftonbladet.se. 11 October 2010. Retrieved 6 October 2012.
  6. "Tony Olsson vill få tidsbestämt straff". Expressen.se. 30 May 2011. Retrieved 6 October 2012.
  7. "Arklöv får inte tidsbestämt straff". Sverigesradio.se. 15 December 2010. Retrieved 6 October 2012.