Jack Donovan

Jack Donovan
Born October 23, 1974
Residence Portland, Oregon
Other names Jack Malebranche
Occupation Author
Official website

Jack Donovan is an American author known for his writing on masculinity and for his criticisms of feminism and gay culture.

Donovan is currently a contributor to AlternativeRight.com,[1] Counter Currents,[2] Radix Journal,[3] and an anti-feminist men's rights blog The Spearhead.[4] He also spoke at the National Policy Institute's 2013 conference,[5] and the 2014 American Renaissance conference.[6]


Although Donovan is a homosexual himself, Androphilia, A Manifesto is a polemic directed at the gay community and contemporary gay culture. In Androphilia, Donovan employs the word androphilia to distinguish his own experience of homosexual desire, which he defines as a “Mars/Mars” attraction between two men, from the label “gay” which, Donovan claims, is inseparable from connotations of effeminacy and “a whole cultural and a political movement that promotes anti-male feminism, victim mentality, and leftist politics.” Donovan uses the term androphilia to emphasize masculinity in both the object and the subject of male homosexual desire, and rejects the gender nonconformity that he sees in gay identity. Donovan advocates withdrawal from the gay community and mainstream gay culture, the rejection of the label “gay,” for those men who feel limited by it, and advises those men to concentrate on developing friendships with heterosexual men and to explore traditional male gender roles.

In an essay separate from the manifesto itself, entitled “Agreements Between Men,” Donovan makes an aesthetic argument against same-sex marriage, opting for more private arrangements and expressions of bonds, inspired by male friendships instead of heterosexual romance. When asked about legal bans on same-sex marriage, Donovan clarified that he was “sympathetic to some sort of legal arrangement” but “against same-sex marriage, using the word marriage,” on the grounds that marriage is a cultural institution with, “too much historical baggage.”[7]

Some critics have argued that Donovan tends to make too many “harsh, negative generalizations” about the gay community and have described his delivery in Androphilia as “alienating.”[8] Others have implied that Donovan wants to push gay men back into “the closet.”[9] One reviewer, writing for Canadian gay newspaper Xtra, compared Donovan to a character in a John Rechy novel, who “puts a kitten in a brown paper bag and drowns it in his bathtub” in an effort to “validate his masculinity.”[10] Mark Simpson, British journalist and editor of the 1995 book Anti-Gay, called Donovan “a straight-talking Drill Instructor for today’s gay generation, weaning them off pop divas and bear beauty pageants and licking them into a more manly, more self-reliant shape, ready to re-join the masculine fray.”[11]

Mark Thompson, gay author and former senior editor of The Advocate (1975–1994), agreed with some of Donovan's critiques of the gay community “in principle”: “Our popular gay male culture is inundated with countless examples of gay men living shallow, addicted lives – one of many among a tribe of lost ‘boys’ who live only for their own burnished image until it all becomes too late.” Thompson said he would “be among the first to clock the egregious ways of what [he has] long called ‘Gay Inc.’ and its nasty habits of siphoning hard-won dollars into self-perpetuating bureaucracies.” However, Thompson called for gay unity and considered "disingenuous" Donovan’s view that the victimization and oppression of homosexual males is mostly “an illusion” promoted by gay activists to raise money, and cited several challenges LGBT people face. According to Thompson, Androphilia’s message was really only relevant for a “relatively narrow swath of white, middle-class gays.”[12] To make this argument, Thompson goes beyond the focus on gay men that Donovan generally maintains in his writing. And Jay Heuman, in the The Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide describes androphilia as something of a non-starter, writing: "There is no call to form a new community or start a new movement; if anything Malebranche [read: Donovan] would have gay men acknowledge their 'androphilia' as one part of their identity and then move on."[13]

Queer literature reviewer Richard LaBonte advised readers against writing off Androphilia completely, stating that the book was “a heartfelt argument that ‘the gay identity’ is too sissy, too socialist, and way too libertine for this man-loving man.” LaBonte compared Donovan to Andrew Sullivan, Bruce Bawer, and Daniel Harris and identified Androphilia’s message as “an extreme manifestation of their kind of stereo-phobia.” [14]

Other writers have applauded Androphilia or embraced the label of “androphile” wholeheartedly. Nick Pell, who interviewed Donovan for Portland, Oregon’s Just Out, wrote that Androphilia was “relevant and timely” and would soon be “required reading for young homosexual men looking for an alternative to disco balls, rainbow flags and celebrity gossip.”[15] Matt Moody wrote in his review for the San Diego–based Gay and Lesbian Times that “finally, finally, another gay man is advocating what I’ve believed for years: the belief that men who admire or love men should be more responsible, not give into the effeminate gay cultural fad, avoid the personal, career, and social pitfalls common to those who live in a completely emasculated world, and build stronger ties with heterosexual men who share common interests.”[16] Homoerotic fetish artist Drubskin described Androphilia as a “liberating read,” and wrote approvingly of Donovan’s challenges to “old thinking,” “victim mentality” and “the prejudices and castrating influences of Feminism and The Gay Movement.”[17]

Blood-Brotherhood and Other Rites of Male Alliance

Jack Donovan co-authored Blood-Brotherhood and Other Rites of Male Alliance with Nathan F. Miller in 2009. ISBN 978-0-578-03070-8 Blood-Brotherhood argues that men have used blood brotherhood rites and similar pacts to solemnize alliances and friendships throughout history. Donovan and Miller present examples from many cultures, suggesting that men could use the book as a "toolbox for the imagination" in modern rites of friendship between and among men. While the book does not claim that blood-brotherhood is a gay male phenomenon, Donovan and Miller propose that the idea of forming blood brotherhoods could be adapted as a substitute for more heteronormative same-sex marriage ceremonies. Reviewer John Safran, writing for Vice, expressed concern that the medical dangers of blood mixing in the modern era were not thoroughly or responsibly handled in the book.[18]

The Way of Men

In 2012, Donovan published The Way of Men ISBN 978-0985452308. In The Way of Men, Donovan argues for a universal definition of masculinity based on what he calls the "tactical virtues" of the primal survival gang. Sam Sheridan, author of A Fighter's Heart, called it "a thought-provoking treatise on the essential struggle of men" and Brett McKay cited it on Art of Manliness as an example of "the Nomad/Gen X view of manhood" which takes the position that " the only way to end the misandry and gender neutrality that we see in modern Western society is for society to collapse, as the tactical virtues of manliness are best demonstrated in a chaotic world."[19] The book also received a positive review on AlternativeRight.com from F. Roger Devlin.[20]

Affiliation with the Church of Satan

As "Rev. Jack Malebranche," Donovan served as an ordained priest in the Church of Satan for several years. As a media representative for that organization he was interviewed for Trinity Broadcast Network's The Way of the Master and appeared twice on Vancouver, Canada-based OMNI.10's The Standard program, in addition to having been interviewed as a Satanist for several online and on-air radio shows. Donovan also wrote articles for Satanic zines including The Black Flame. [21] Donovan resigned from the Church of Satan in 2009 and no longer identifies as a Satanist.[22] [23]

Support for white nationalism

In a December 18, 2011 blog posting, Donovan revealed his support for white nationalists, a group he dubs, "The Mighty Whites." "I support White Nationalists," states Donovan. "They are not all equally right about everything, but I am sympathetic to many of their general aims." Despite his support, Donovan states that he is not a white supremacist.[24]


  1. http://alternative-right.blogspot.com/search/label/Jack%20Donovan
  2. http://www.counter-currents.com/author/jdonovan/
  3. http://www.radixjournal.com/journal/?author=52b83735e4b05f498056fe06
  4. http://www.the-spearhead.com/author/jackdonovan/
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkxDEDEYOsU&list=PLRi81_2IAdcOI5m5w3ee9WzR1CA9np1GA&index=4
  6. Gardner, Will (2007-05-24). "Androphilia: Rejecting the Gay Identity, Reclaiming Masculinity". The Portland Mercury Vol. 7 No. 52, p. 39. Retrieved 2008-01-16.
  7. Piechota, Jim (2007-03-29). "Defensive Tackle". Bay Area Reporter, Vol. 37 Issue 13, p38-38, 1/4p. Retrieved 2008-01-16.
  8. Beck, Byron (2007-05-23). "Jack Malebranche Is Totally Not Gay: The World According To An "Androphile"". Willamette Week Vol. 33, Issue 28, p. 52. Retrieved 2008-01-16.
  9. Syms, Shawn (2007-04-26). "Manly Men Unite!". Xtra!, Issue 587, p17-17, 1/2p (Pink Triangle Press). Retrieved 2008-01-16.
  10. Donovan, Jack (2007). Androphilia, A Manifesto: Rejecting the Gay Identity, Reclaiming Masculinity. Baltimore, MD.: Scapegoat Publishing. pp. 144. (Simpson quote on back cover). ISBN 0-9764035-8-7.
  11. Thompson, Mark (Summer 2007). "ANDROPHILIA: A Manifesto.". Lambda Book Report 15 (2): p15–15, 1p.
  12. Heuman, Jay (September 2007). "Macho Man". The Gay and Lesbian Review Worldwide. Retrieved 2013-07-09.
  13. "Androphilia: A Manifesto Rejecting the Gay Identity, Reclaiming Masculinity.". San Francisco Bay Times. 2007-05-10. pp. p18–18, 1/9p. Retrieved 2008-01-20.
  14. Pell, Nick (2007-05-18). "Review: Being a Man - Author deconstructs the stigma of effeminacy.". Just Out, Vol. 24 Issue 14, p15-15, 2/3p; (AN 25151865). Retrieved 2008-01-20.
  15. Moody, Matt (2007-11-08). "Review: ‘Androphilia’ reclaims the masculine identity". Gay and Lesbian Times (San Diego), Issue 1037, p38-38, 1p. Retrieved 2008-01-20.
  16. Drubskin (2007-11-08). "Androphilia - A Review". Drub's World. Retrieved 2008-02-05.
  17. Safran, John (August 8, 2010). "John Safran's Controversial Book Review". Vice. Retrieved November 3, 2010.
  18. http://artofmanliness.com/2012/07/12/the-generations-of-men-how-the-cycles-of-history-have-shaped-your-values-your-place-in-the-world-and-your-idea-of-manhood/
  19. http://richard-spencer-xna0.squarespace.com/altright-archive/main/blogs/hbd/the-origins-of-manliness
  20. Donovan, Jack (2005). "The Cycle – Fecundity Demands a Cruel Balance in Anthony Burgess' The Wanting Seed". The Black Flame Vol. 16 (Hell's Kitchen Productions, Inc.). pp. 37–39. ISSN 1523-410X. Retrieved 2008-01-13.
  21. Gilmore, Peter H. (2009). ""Satanic News on the March - Rev. Jack Malebranche Resigns from the Church of Satan"". Church of Satan (see "News" Page XLIV A.S.). Retrieved 2009-08-27.
  22. Donovan, Jack (2009). ""Rev. Jack Malebranche" Resigns from the Church of Satan". Press Release from Jack Donovan's Official Web Site. Retrieved 2009-08-27.
  23. Donovan, John (2011-12-18). "The Mighty White". Jack Donovan. Retrieved 2014-10-11.

External links