
Jönssonligan, literally the Jönsson League, is featured in a series of comedic Swedish films. The gang consists of the leader and criminal genius Charles Ingvar "Sickan" Jönsson, hence the name, and his two companions "Dynamit-Harry" (an alcoholic demolition expert) and Ragnar Vanheden (a small-timer from Stockholm). Eight films have been made in total, though in the last three films actor Gösta Ekman got tired of his character "Sickan", and was replaced by the following characters, in order; "Doctor Max Adrian Busé", "Herman Melvin" and "Sven-Ingvar 'Sivan' Jönsson". The first two films featured the character Rocky, a Swedish-speaking Finn as member of the gang. He was eventually replaced by "Dynamit-Harry" who first appeared in the second film.

Jönssonligans arch-enemy is Jacob Morgan Rockefeller Wall-Enberg Jr. who in all the films have been played by Per Grundén. Wall-Enbergs henchman is Biffen. In every film except for Jönssonligan dyker upp igen and Jönssonligan på Mallorca he has been played by Weiron Holmberg. In Jönssonligan dyker upp igen he is played by Lars Dejert and in Jönssonligan på Mallorca he never appears.

The series was originally remakes of the Danish films about the Olsen Gang. The main series has also created a spin-off series called Lilla Jönssonligan, which portrays the main three characters of the series as kids. A reboot with new actors in the iconic roles will be released on December 25, 2014.

List of movies and main characters

Varning för Jönssonligan (Beware of the Johnson Gang, 1981)

Character: Actor

Jönssonligan & Dynamit-Harry (The Johnson Gang & Dynamite-Harry, 1982)

Character: Actor

Jönssonligan får guldfeber (The Johnson Gang gets Gold Fever, 1984)

Character: Actor

Jönssonligan dyker upp igen (The Johnson Gang Resurface, 1986)

Character: Actor

Jönssonligan på Mallorca (The Johnson Gang in Mallorca, 1989)

Character: Actor

Jönssonligan & den svarta diamanten (The Johnson Gang & the Black Diamond, 1992)

Character: Actor

Jönssonligans största kupp (The Johnson Gang's Greatest Robbery, 1994)

Character: Actor

Jönssonligan spelar högt (The Johnson Gang Plays High, 2000)

Character: Actor


Den perfekta stöten (The Perfect Heist, 2014)

Character: Actor

Lilla Jönssonligan (Young Johnson Gang)

In other media

Jönssonligan has also featured in two computer games and in comics, both incarnations incited by the Swedish cartoonist Per Demervall.

See also

External links